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Quick list of Warrior trait/skills that Anet really needs to look at IMO


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Just a list of a few things that really stand out to me as being underpowered, poorly designed, or in some way could use a little fine tuning.

  1. I think I heard that they are looking into this, but Defy Pain and Last Stand obviously both need to be reworked. I assume that the comical 300s cooldown was just a way of telling us not to use the traits until they are reworked. Nonetheless, these are probably the two most significant duds of the class right now. I hope they find a way to make the traits more interactive to play with. Maybe something that combines hitting burst skills with benefits to stances? Maybe like landing a burst while under the effect of a stance grants "x" benefits or extends the stance duration. Idk, something cool like that.

  2. Eviscerate should grant more than 1 stack of might. I think 3 is more appropriate.

  3. Longbow needs serious reworks. This weapon has been left in the dust and forgotten is seems. Arcing Arrow needs to be removed entirely and replaced, Fan of Fire needs its cone narrowed, and Dual Shot needs some kind of benefit added to it, maybe a short bleed or cripple?

  4. Sword needs to be reworked. As of right now, sword lacks identity and is probably the least used MH weapon in PvP. It makes you feel like you should play condi, but then why final thrust? I just don't feel like you should be forced to play hybrid by any weapon. It makes the weapon bad in both power and condi builds. I would remove Flurry (there's no fixing that garbage lol) and replace it with Final Thrust, but make Final Thrust a condi skill that loads the enemy with lots of bleeds if it hits a target below 50% (kind of like a condi Arcing Slice). Replace Sword 3 with something that fits the condi theme.

  5. Might Makes Right should grant less endurance but more healing. As of right now, the healing from this trait feels a little undertuned, especially considering the nerfs to might gain. I would like to see the endurance gain per might stack > 1 and the healing > 100-120. I feel like this would be a fair compromise that would add a little sustain back into the Strength tree without making it completely busted.

I'm sure there are many other changes that need to happen, but these are a few that stand out to me as needing to be addressed in the very near future.

EDIT: I probably should have included a small buff to Healing Signet. At the moment, it's simply outclassed by Mending especially if you are running Strength. I think the healing needs to be increased to about 280-300. It may be able to compete with Mending at that point.

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I use sword main hand a lot, the mobility and burst potential is great, and it’s the only mobility main hand if you’re not Spellbreaker. I actually see sword warriors a lot. Why call out sword mainhand and not talk about sword offhand or mace offhand? Both currently unusable.

If anyone wants to see some deeper revisions of warrior skills look here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100849/comprehensive-changes-to-warrior-skills

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I like the sound of most of these changes. I'd also agree with a change to 100b like @ProverbsofHell.2307 mentions.

I think the slightest damage buff would benefit it a ton. I've been playing Defense bunker warrior and if a DPS Zerker Warrior actually manages to stunlock you and hit you with as many hits as possible before the CC expires, the damage is pretty laughable.

I know bunkers are the extreme, but this is a neato-looking skill that requires one to be locked in place to use. There should be some payoff to the risk, and some reward for the setup.

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:I like the sound of most of these changes. I'd also agree with a change to 100b like @ProverbsofHell.2307 mentions.

I think the slightest damage buff would benefit it a ton. I've been playing Defense bunker warrior and if a DPS Zerker Warrior actually manages to stunlock you and hit you with as many hits as possible before the CC expires, the damage is pretty laughable.

I know bunkers are the extreme, but this is a neato-looking skill that requires one to be locked in place to use. There should be some payoff to the risk, and some reward for the setup.

I do think 100b could use changes and I've made posts about it before. I don't know if the skill needs a DPS buff. Even now, 4 hits of 100b = a level 3 Eviscerate. If anything, I find myself using the skill more now that stun breaks are less common. However, I definitely think the skill needs a cast time reductions. 3.5 seconds for a melee skill that roots you just doesn't fit with the pace of GW2. I think 2.5s would feel really good, and they could reduce the damage a bit so the DPS isn't too insane.

Also, I've been playing a SB - Str - Def that's been working wonders for me. I feel like since the game is a little slower paced we don't actually need Discipline as much as we did before. With Runes of Evasion you can get perma swiftness and make up for the lack of Warrior's sprint and sigils, Mending, and Cleansing Ire can provide more than enough condi removal. It has killer sustain but yet you can still hit like a truck.

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@"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:I use sword main hand a lot, the mobility and burst potential is great, and it’s the only mobility main hand if you’re not Spellbreaker. I actually see sword warriors a lot. Why call out sword mainhand and not talk about sword offhand or mace offhand? Both currently unusable.

If anyone wants to see some deeper revisions of warrior skills look here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100849/comprehensive-changes-to-warrior-skills

I agree that OH Sword and Mace are both pretty bad (although I think part of that is that Shield is just so good) and could use a good look at. However, I was just stating a few things that I think need to be changed in the very near future, a few things that really stand out to me.

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@Yasai.3549 said:Sword is okay.

Sword Burst is NOT OKAY.

LB is super NOT OKAY.LB Burst (core) is NOT OKAY.

Harpoon Gun is super NOT OKAY.

These are the things Anet should focus on fixing for Warrior right now.

Remove self root on flurry. Complete rework of OH sword.Burn in AA on LB default. Swap LB3 for rain of fire. Make LB burst tick more quickly.

Harpoon gun matters?

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@Yasai.3549 said:Sword is okay.

Sword Burst is NOT OKAY.

LB is super NOT OKAY.LB Burst (core) is NOT OKAY.

Harpoon Gun is super NOT OKAY.

These are the things Anet should focus on fixing for Warrior right now.

Remove self root on flurry. Complete rework of OH sword.Burn in AA on LB default. Swap LB3 for rain of fire. Make LB burst tick more quickly.

Harpoon gun matters?

I think to dovetail with that they need to look at crack shot trait.

I've toyed around with it some and, in my opinion, it's very underwhleming

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@Starbreaker.6507 said:

@Yasai.3549 said:Sword is okay.

Sword Burst is NOT OKAY.

LB is super NOT OKAY.LB Burst (core) is NOT OKAY.

Harpoon Gun is super NOT OKAY.

These are the things Anet should focus on fixing for Warrior right now.

Remove self root on flurry. Complete rework of OH sword.Burn in AA on LB default. Swap LB3 for rain of fire. Make LB burst tick more quickly.

Harpoon gun matters?

I think to dovetail with that they need to look at crack shot trait.

I've toyed around with it some and, in my opinion, it's

Only because our range options are for underwhelming.

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Add the bug of Shouts heal not working with To the Limit.

Also while on the topic, the problem with sword mainhand is if 2 and 3 are gonna be as situational as they are, then the auto attack is trash. You almost need an offensive offhand to go with it depending on build.

The problem with sword offhand is that sword 5 block needs to remain blocking and become a flip skill after the duration or when hit.

axe offhand 5 needs to reflect but they refuse to do this and will then have the thief steal version do it instead.

longbow needs its pulse dmg un-nerfed on the fire field and better projectile speed on the auto attack.

And rifle is bad for the same reason its always been bad in pvp. The ammo change did nothing except give you more attempts to be bad. Not even gonna explain because I want someone to try and defend rifle.

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@TeqkOneStylez.8047 said:Add the bug of Shouts heal not working with To the Limit.

Also while on the topic, the problem with sword mainhand is if 2 and 3 are gonna be as situational as they are, then the auto attack is trash. You almost need an offensive offhand to go with it depending on build.2 is useful to close gaps, and if leg spec is traited to immobilize someone. 3 is very useful below 50% target HP.The problem with sword offhand is that sword 5 block needs to remain blocking and become a flip skill after the duration or when hit.They just need to remove the block and have the flip over skill become the skillaxe offhand 5 needs to reflect but they refuse to do this and will then have the thief steal version do it instead.Thief steal version needs the reflect removed not a reflect added to Axe OH5.longbow needs its pulse dmg un-nerfed on the fire field and better projectile speed on the auto attack.100% :+1:And rifle is bad for the same reason its always been bad in pvp. The ammo change did nothing except give you more attempts to be bad. Not even gonna explain because I want someone to try and defend rifle.Rifle needs the old damage numbers back. Along with the ammo system it would be decent then.

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@TeqkOneStylez.8047 said:Add the bug of Shouts heal not working with To the Limit.

Also while on the topic, the problem with sword mainhand is if 2 and 3 are gonna be as situational as they are, then the auto attack is trash. You almost need an offensive offhand to go with it depending on build.

The problem with sword offhand is that sword 5 block needs to remain blocking and become a flip skill after the duration or when hit.

axe offhand 5 needs to reflect but they refuse to do this and will then have the thief steal version do it instead.

longbow needs its pulse dmg un-nerfed on the fire field and better projectile speed on the auto attack.

And rifle is bad for the same reason its always been bad in pvp. The ammo change did nothing except give you more attempts to be bad. Not even gonna explain because I want someone to try and defend rifle.

I find rifle good on Berserker at least. What’s so bad about it? I can dismantle someone with Volleys and Gunflames, it’s pretty strong sustained bursting. I also like Rifle 4, only Rifle 2 feels a bit weak but then again it’s more of a way to apply vuln whilst kiting for a burst. I often get top damage and kills in PvP when I use rifle. Core rifle is pretty sad though. Only really worth doing rifle if your damage is stacked.

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It would be nice if rifle was more usable weapon outside of yolo Berserker double Gunflame spam into Volley...Take for example greatsword. The weapon has just well designed skills that work with any spec. This cannot be applied to rifle because rifle has just bad skills compared to greatsword and is carried by two skills, Gunflame and Volley. Giving it ammo didn't really make it more useful. Rifle warrior can't really vanish like Deadeye to erp as sniper, nor be like Engineer to fight with it in melee range effectively.Rifle would be less gimmick weapon if it was faster and more reactive, for example Brutal Shot would be instant cast and Rifle Butt would have 1/4 cast time.Maybe it is also time to tweak Kill Shot to have shorter cast time and lower damage. Let's say 5-6k (instead of 9-12k) damage but 1/2-3/4 cast time without self-rooting.Autoattack damage is laughable. Are we even allowed to kill people with autoattacks?

Lower (reasonable) damage numbers would be ok as long as the weapon is fun to use with more practical utility and more active gameplay rather than just Aimed Shot->Gunflame->Volley or Aimed Shot->Kill Shot->Volley and if this fails, it's gg.

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@cryorion.9532 said:It would be nice if rifle was more usable weapon outside of yolo Berserker double Gunflame spam into Volley...Take for example greatsword. The weapon has just well designed skills that work with any spec. This cannot be applied to rifle because rifle has just bad skills compared to greatsword and is carried by two skills, Gunflame and Volley. Giving it ammo didn't really make it more useful. Rifle warrior can't really vanish like Deadeye to erp as sniper, nor be like Engineer to fight with it in melee range effectively.Rifle would be less gimmick weapon if it was faster and more reactive, for example Brutal Shot would be instant cast and Rifle Butt would have 1/4 cast time.Maybe it is also time to tweak Kill Shot to have shorter cast time and lower damage. Let's say 5-6k (instead of 9-12k) damage but 1/2-3/4 cast time without self-rooting.Autoattack damage is laughable. Are we even allowed to kill people with autoattacks?

Lower (reasonable) damage numbers would be ok as long as the weapon is fun to use with more practical utility and more active gameplay rather than just Aimed Shot->Gunflame->Volley or Aimed Shot->Kill Shot->Volley and if this fails, it's gg.

You now, I called for just a CD reduction (albeit with the old damage numbers) on Brutal Shot and Aimed Shot and a certain someone (he knows who he is :tongue: ) lambasted me for just wanting power creep. Guess Anet agreed with me on the lack of Rifle skills being available for use...

But you are right in that the damage reduction it received along with everything else did not help the weapon.

Just like how LB needs some tweaking so does rifle:

Keep Ammo system and make the following changes:Increase all projectile speeds by 20%Update Crack Shot Trait so that all attacks with a rifle increase adrenaline gain, not just AA.F1 (core): 7k/9k/11k damage by tier (assuming full zerk stats, 2600k armor target) no self root, 3/4s castF1 (zerker): Keep as is.AA: revert damage nerf back to 0.6 scaling. give it a 1/4s castAimed Shot: revert damage nerf, or at least up to 0.7 scalingVolley: Keep the damage nerf, decrease the channel time to 1.5s, it just feels too slow with the current durationBrutal Shot: Revert the damage nerf, or bring it at least up to 0.8 scaling. A 1/2s cast time on an evade skill is slow, I do not know if an instant cast is warranted, but certainly a 1/4 s cast time isRifle Butt: Increase the range, or make it a complete PBAoE that hits 5 targets. This skill can be negated by simply walking into the warrior

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Keep Ammo system and make the following changes:Increase all projectile speeds by 20%Update Crack Shot Trait so that all attacks with a rifle increase adrenaline gain, not just AA.F1 (core): 7k/9k/11k damage by tier (assuming full zerk stats, 2600k armor target) no self root, 3/4s castF1 (zerker): Keep as is.AA: revert damage nerf back to 0.6 scaling. give it a 1/4s castAimed Shot: revert damage nerf, or at least up to 0.7 scalingVolley: Keep the damage nerf, decrease the channel time to 1.5s, it just feels too slow with the current durationBrutal Shot: Revert the damage nerf, or bring it at least up to 0.8 scaling. A 1/2s cast time on an evade skill is slow, I do not know if an instant cast is warranted, but certainly a 1/4 s cast time isRifle Butt: Increase the range, or make it a complete PBAoE that hits 5 targets. This skill can be negated by simply walking into the warrior

Not sure if 11k Kill Shot with 3/4 sec cast time and no self root would be fair, such big hit kinda needs telegraph which it has right now (kneeling animation and over 1 sec cast time). Reasonably lowering damage would justify making it less telegraphed imo.The AA would be fine with current damage if the projectile speed and cast time were faster, like 1/4 sec (this would be probably too fast tho), so making it 1/2 sec could do.Volley speed is indeed kinda slow, especially the time when I press the skill and first projectile hits the target. It happens sometimes that enemy just gets out of range during that time.Brutal Shot is that utility rifle skill which could give rifle more dynamic gameplay. Atm, it is pretty clunky and not really reliable as evade with its cast time. Imagine you could time it so precisely with instant cast or 1/4 sec, right before enemy is going to engage on you or just simply react to enemy skills that have short cast times.Rifle Butt could be interesting as full PBAoE with faster cast time, but I think just faster cast time would do.In general, rifle needs to be faster and better at dynamic gameplay to be more practical.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@"cryorion.9532" said:It would be nice if rifle was more usable weapon outside of yolo Berserker double Gunflame spam into Volley...Take for example greatsword. The weapon has just well designed skills that work with any spec. This cannot be applied to rifle because rifle has just bad skills compared to greatsword and is carried by two skills, Gunflame and Volley. Giving it ammo didn't really make it more useful. Rifle warrior can't really vanish like Deadeye to erp as sniper, nor be like Engineer to fight with it in melee range effectively.Rifle would be less gimmick weapon if it was faster and more reactive, for example Brutal Shot would be instant cast and Rifle Butt would have 1/4 cast time.Maybe it is also time to tweak Kill Shot to have shorter cast time and lower damage. Let's say 5-6k (instead of 9-12k) damage but 1/2-3/4 cast time without self-rooting.Autoattack damage is laughable. Are we even allowed to kill people with autoattacks?

Lower (reasonable) damage numbers would be ok as long as the weapon is fun to use with more practical utility and more active gameplay rather than just Aimed Shot->Gunflame->Volley or Aimed Shot->Kill Shot->Volley and if this fails, it's gg.

You now, I called for just a CD reduction (albeit with the old damage numbers) on Brutal Shot and Aimed Shot and a certain someone (he knows who he is :tongue: ) lambasted me for just wanting power creep. Guess Anet agreed with me on the lack of Rifle skills being available for use...

That's... a half-truth at best actually :pYou vouched for:

Increase Rifle AA damage by 50%, reduce baseline CD on Rifle 2 and rifle 3 by 2s each. Unroot Killshot. These three changes to Rifle would make it a viable range power DPS weapon for warriors of any flavor.

What happened was more dmg upfront (relatively, because it still got reduced like every other weapon/skill dmg) with ammo system and a general dmg reduction along with other skills/professions.

Sooo again, why aren't you playing DE? It seems that's pretty much what you want here, except unrooted and piercing DJ, possibility of using it without landing a single skill on a target (because you can max out adrenaline with a single press of a button), 20k hp and more armor while building "glass".Rifle should remain an ok swap weapon for warrior, by no means it should rival his melee weapon options.

...and "revert the dmg nerf" while literally everything in the game was intentionally and rightfully scaled back must be some kind of meme I don't know about, right? :p

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@Sobx.1758 said:lmao, guys if you want to play deadeye, go play deadeye. Instead you're lobbying for making a naturally beefy warrior a safer range option with rifle matching the tier of greatsword. Good luck with that I guess? <.<

This is a strange reasoning. So warrior lacking stealth but is tanker than DE shouldn't have a ranged weapon that's as effective as DE? With ur reasoning DE rifle should be severely nerfed due to its access to stealth cuz it shouldn't have both stealth and high ranged damage.

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@"Sobx.1758" said:lmao, guys if you want to play deadeye, go play deadeye. Instead you're lobbying for making a naturally beefy warrior a safer range option with rifle matching the tier of greatsword. Good luck with that I guess? <.<

So according to your logic, rifle cannot be as good as greatsword in terms of practical use in builds because that would mean more options for warrior? Also, no one said rifle has to be as good as greatsword? Greatsword is an example of one of the best weapons warrior has because it works with any warrior spec and most builds. Making rifle more balanced towards greatsword in practical use would give it more space in builds (and this includes other weapons, like longbow, etc). According to some people, this means that GS should be nerfed instead because "logic" and hurr durr powercreep.

"Rifle should remain an ok swap weapon for warrior, by no means it should rival his melee weapon options."Why should it remain an "ok" swap weapon? Because you don't want it to be better? Because warrior can't have practical and working ranged weapon that isn't only about yolo Gunflame and Volley? Or why exaclty should it remain "ok"? What is even a point of balancing, if a weapon is kept intentionally "ok" forever?Warrior can't really play sniper that can vanish and safely escape if things go into shitnor they can't play rifle as melee brawler, like Engineer. Instead, you get annihilated by people running through you. Have fun stopping them with Brutal Shot or Rifle Butt.

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@cryorion.9532 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:lmao, guys if you want to play deadeye, go play deadeye. Instead you're lobbying for making a naturally beefy warrior a safer range option with rifle matching the tier of greatsword. Good luck with that I guess? <.<

So according to your logic, rifle cannot be as good as greatsword in terms of practical use in builds because that would mean more options for warrior?

Except that's not what I said?And btw I agree that rifle 4 and 5 should probably have lower cast time (1/4s) because for what they do, they should be a little more responsive/reactive. But that's it, buffing dmg, lowering cds, unrooting? Nope.

Also, no one said rifle has to be as good as greatsword? Greatsword is an example of one of the best weapons warrior has because it works with any warrior spec and most builds. Making rifle more balanced towards greatsword in practical use would give it more space in builds (and this includes other weapons, like longbow, etc). According to some people, this means that GS should be nerfed instead because "logic" and hurr durr powercreep.

Yeah, according to some people GS should be made an additional third "passive" weapon (or just a whole new skill bar active on top of his current weapon/s, why not!), because "logic" and hurr durr everyone wants it anyways.Are we done here with taking shots by using barely applicable quotes from different threads? :D

"Rifle should remain an ok swap weapon for warrior, by no means it should rival his melee weapon options."Why should it remain an "ok" swap weapon? Because you don't want it to be better? Because warrior can't have practical and working ranged weapon that isn't only about yolo Gunflame and Volley? Or why exaclty should it remain "ok"? What is even a point of balancing, if a weapon is kept intentionally "ok" forever?

I'm fairly sure I already wrote it multiple times, we have the same thread probably every 6 months here.

Warrior can't really play sniper that can vanish and safely escape if things go into kitten

And it shouldn't, because it's a different class. But pressing 2 buttons to insta-pierce 5 people for 11k from 1500 range sure sounds k, right? It's almost as if DE malice stacking got changed so they can't mark, wait for 15 seconds and burst their already marked target for full dmg ""out of nowhere"". Which still was a single target. If you don't see anything wrong with some of those proposed buffs, then I'm not sure what to tell you.

nor they can't play rifle as melee brawler, like Engineer. Instead, you get annihilated by people running through you. Have fun stopping them with Brutal Shot or Rifle Butt.

They don't need to "play melee brawler with rifle", because they have a weapon swap, seems like "somewhat" different circumestances to me. As always -if you want to "do what other class does", play that class instead of assimilating their 'traits' into the one you're "stuck with" for some unknown reason. Because you still didn't tell me why don't you play DE (or brawler engi, whatever you like) if you just want to run with rifle.

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@"Sobx.1758" said:And it shouldn't, because it's a different class. But pressing 2 buttons to insta-pierce 5 people for 11k from 1500 range sure sounds k, right? It's almost as if DE malice stacking got changed so they can't mark, wait for 15 seconds and burst their already marked target for full dmg ""out of nowhere"". Which still was a single target. If you don't see anything wrong with some of those proposed buffs, then I'm not sure what to tell you.

Gunflame is the only reason why even bother using rifle in first place. Warrior rifle skill set is just bad to use for longer duration combat (especially when there is melee pressure from enemy) so it's either one shot fiesta or ineffective builds. You can't really kill people with Volley only, enemy will be on you in seconds and Brutal Shot/Rifle Butt will not save you. If Anet reworks rifle skills to make its gameplay more dynamic (and practical), while they reasonably nerf Gunflame damage, then so be it.Kill Shot damage can be nerfed, too, as long as they lower cast time on it and/or unroot it to compensate (e.g. 5-8k Kill Shot damage range, instead of 9-12k).Or they don't have to do anything about Kill Shot at all if they improve rifle skills. The ammo system rifle has now didn't really changed its viability.

Rifle would be better if it was less about "yolo one-shot everything, die to everything" and more about survive through active gameplay while still being bursty enough.

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@cryorion.9532 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:And it shouldn't, because it's a different class. But pressing 2 buttons to insta-pierce 5 people for 11k from 1500 range sure sounds k, right? It's almost as if DE malice stacking got changed so they can't mark, wait for 15 seconds and burst their already marked target for full dmg ""out of nowhere"". Which still was a single target. If you don't see anything wrong with some of those proposed buffs, then I'm not sure what to tell you.

Gunflame is the only reason why even bother using rifle in first place. Warrior rifle skill set is just bad to use for longer duration combat (especially when there is melee pressure from enemy) so it's either one shot fiesta or ineffective builds. You can't really kill people with Volley only, enemy will be on you in seconds and Brutal Shot/Rifle Butt will not save you. If Anet reworks rifle skills to make its gameplay more dynamic (and practical), while they reasonably nerf Gunflame damage, then so be it.Kill Shot damage can be nerfed, too, as long as they lower cast time on it and/or unroot it to compensate (e.g. 5-8k Kill Shot damage range, instead of 9-12k).Or they don't have to do anything about Kill Shot at all if they improve rifle skills. The ammo system rifle has now didn't really changed its viability.

Rifle would be better if it was less about "yolo one-shot everything, die to everything" and more about survive through active gameplay while still being bursty enough.

To be fair... you do have second weapon on 5 sec cooldown. If they come melee you have few options, you can go GS or sword for kiting, or you can take CC weapons. I find mobility for kiting off works best with rifle, it works best with a supporting set. Sword/Shield comes to mind. But yeah that’s only Berserker. I just find Kill Shot clunky.

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@"cryorion.9532" said:Rifle would be better if it was less about "yolo one-shot everything, die to everything" and more about survive through active gameplay while still being bursty enough.

I'm still curious why you don't play DE/engi rifle despite using them as examples of viable rifle classes btw.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@"cryorion.9532" said:Rifle would be better if it was less about "yolo one-shot everything, die to everything" and more about survive through active gameplay while still being bursty enough.

I'm still curious why you don't play DE/engi rifle despite using them as examples of viable rifle classes btw.

Because it should be a workable and viable set on warrior. DE is the sniper in the tower. Warrior should be the grunt sweeper the street using rapid fire attacks and CQC to take enemies down. The CQC is there, but we have a pellet gun with a grenade launcher attached.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@"cryorion.9532" said:Rifle would be better if it was less about "yolo one-shot everything, die to everything" and more about survive through active gameplay while still being bursty enough.

I'm still curious why you don't play DE/engi rifle despite using them as examples of viable rifle classes btw.

Only those can also wield rifle and they are more effective with it (given the thief can easily escape and Engi has access to XY other skills on demand, so think about it as weapon swap with no CD). Why should I play other profession to use rifle when it is lacking (or being only "ok") on warrior? In a perfect world, every weapon would be good and balanced. Aren't we trying to get at least close to that?

@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:To be fair... you do have second weapon on 5 sec cooldown. If they come melee you have few options, you can go GS or sword for kiting, or you can take CC weapons. I find mobility for kiting off works best with rifle, it works best with a supporting set. Sword/Shield comes to mind. But yeah that’s only Berserker. I just find Kill Shot clunky.

Well yes, if running glass cannon Berserker, I use greatsword for Arc Divider against melee. I find sword/shield not that good against melee pressure because of lack of damage and 3 sec block/Savage Leap won't really save you if you are glass cannon. If things go as planned, two Gunflames or Gunflame into Volley are most of the time enough to get the kill. There is not much time for kiting.There are currently 2 absolutely pointless things to do as warrior: 1. using dagger offhand, 2. attempting to have sustain on rifle build.

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