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Griffon adventures: how to maintain speed?


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So I decided to try some adventures after obtaining the griffon. So far its been great, and I've enjoyed myself. But today I hit a snag in the "Mastery" adventure in Crystal Oasis, the one starting at the top of the pyramid.

The idea is you're supposed to "divebomb" to pick up speed and then after a long flight over Amnoon do a massive pull-up at the end. And I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this. I can't even reach the end half the time.

When I've watched videos of people doing this adventure they, firstly, seem to gain more speed when diving than I can. Secondly, they maintain speed and altitude in a way I can't. I find myself too close to the ground even as I'm entering the first building, and I've lost nearly all speed and altitude by the time I'm nearing the market. I've managed to reach the second-to-last marker once or twice, but by then I have absolutely no chance of making any pull up at all.

So, I'm asking for advice: is there a trick to maintaining speed? How are these guys making the videos going so fast- and maintaining altitude? Is there a "secret dive" I've yet to discover? What am I doing wrong?

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Fields of Ruin. Hawkgates waypoint just outside of ebonhawke. There is a launch pad. Deploying the glider at the apex of the launch and immediately deploy griffon after. Can practice trading height for speed, etc. Alternately, the Captain's Airship Pass and Gendarran fields. Alterantely, the Lava Lounge Pass also has a launch pad

Play around with it. Remember that once you've dived, you maintain speed during level flight. You can flap to maintain most (99%) of your altitude during level flight (even in superspeed) and you only lose speed when you climb out with "movement 2" (c for me, or s)

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@Athel.2076 said:Is there a "secret dive" I've yet to discover?

there may actually be. for precision flying, you want to be using "mount ability 1" to dive. this is NOT the same as the Swoop ability that is bound to 1 by default. it's under the mount section of the keybinds and I believe defaults to V (i use it on Q but wherever it fits most comfortable for you). this version of the dive allows for much more precise control and smaller dips (it only descends while you're holding it rather than making a huge dive that you have to interrupt manually like the swoop engage ability). it's also useful simply for running around the map as you can use it to land without automatically dismounting.

Also, your mount's endurance is refilled every time you pass through a ring. use this to flap often as possible between rings. (for example on the pyramid run, you can jump off the start, dive, flap to gain speed, then be able to flap immediately again after passing through the ring and leveling off because the ring refilled your bar.) use this to maintain as much height between rings as possible, using small dives when necessary so as not to pass over rings and long dives or long dives with flaps when possible to gain speed for considerably lower rings.

also one final tip; it's entirely possible to bump a ceiling or wall while flying and completely lose all your momentum without actually stopping or failing the adventure. if you pass through a narrow opening or pull up inside a building/cavern/arch and suddenly you seem to have slowed down / can no longer pull up, that's probably what happened and you may as well simply restart that run.

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What I do at the end is - I do one more up and down to gain enough speed for the last climb. When going down (by using dive-v-key ability and space for super speed) you just need level up with ground / last marker(c-key climb ability + w to level with ground and do horizontal fast flying) to hit it and pull(c key) up to end.

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@Wraith.1094 said:

@Athel.2076 said:Is there a "secret dive" I've yet to discover?

there may actually be. for precision flying, you want to be using "mount ability 1" to dive.

When trying this I finally realized you can use this skill together with wingflap for a massive speed increase. Managed gold on the first try once I realized this was even possible.

Thank you everyone so much for your help!!

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