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Nerf Ranger Immob


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Title says it all - too much pulsing immob, there isn't much counterplay except to maybe never engage with a ranger (if they cannot catch up with you given their mobility). The 'just dodge' meme doesn't work because evading is blocked in immob and condi cleanses basically do not work because as soon as you cleanse one application of immobilization, you get pulsed with many more. It does not have enough counterplay in current meta. Please nerf.

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I have a problem with the pulsing of immobilize, not the duration. Sometimes even with my trait that cleanses immobilize on movement, I still get trapped in the roots after the cast because of the skill delays, that's pretty problematic. Should the pulses actually be at longer interval, but so the are the conditions, say 2 seconds immobilize every 2 seconds instead because of those anomalies.

There's a few pet skills that could use an increase in cooldown because those overshadow a lot if not everything in the game if not playing some form of bunker.

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Uggghh, I want to be the voice of reason here. Say something like "Immob isn't that bad, You have X and Y options to help you counter it"

But honestly.

Immob can go get hit by a bus. Peeled off the street, taken the nearest day care, and forced to walk the gauntlet of a thousand legos. Nothing in this game infuriates me more.

I'm not even going to try to hide my bias here. Y'now what forums, do what you do best. I hope immob does get nerfed, and when it does, I will relish in its destruction.

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@"Kuma.1503" said:Uggghh, I want to be the voice of reason here. Say something like "Immob isn't that bad, You have X and Y options to help you counter it"

But honestly.

Immob can go get hit by a bus. Peeled off the street, taken the nearest day care, and forced to walk the gauntlet of a thousand legos. Nothing in this game infuriates me more.

I'm not even going to try to hide my bias here. Y'now what forums, do what you do best. I hope immob does get nerfed, and when it does, I will relish in its destruction.

Thing is, is it really not that bad? Even removing the absolute frustration of it, I still think it's busted and it's by design. It can be strong, anything that stops you dead in your tracks and prevents you from dodging is extremely powerful. It's supposed to be powerful, but because it is, it should never be for long durations and NEVER pulse. Pulsing CC is bad, this is no different imo.

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@CutesySylveon.8290 said:

@"Kuma.1503" said:Uggghh, I want to be the voice of reason here. Say something like "Immob isn't that bad, You have X and Y options to help you counter it"

But honestly.

Immob can go get hit by a bus. Peeled off the street, taken the nearest day care, and forced to walk the gauntlet of a thousand legos. Nothing in this game infuriates me more.

I'm not even going to
to hide my bias here. Y'now what forums, do what you do best. I hope immob does get nerfed, and when it does, I will relish in its destruction.

Thing is, is it really not that bad? Even removing the absolute frustration of it, I still think it's busted and it's by design. It can be strong, anything that stops you dead in your tracks and prevents you from dodging is extremely powerful. It's supposed to be powerful, but because it is, it should never be for long durations and NEVER pulse. Pulsing CC is bad, this is no different imo.

Is it that bad? Probably not. Does it make me want to fling various objects out the nearest window? Yes.Am I somewhat ashamed to admit that I get perverse pleasure out of abusing said builds because somewhere deep inside me, lurks a sadistic streak? Also yes.

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@Kuma.1503 said:

@Kuma.1503 said:Uggghh, I want to be the voice of reason here. Say something like "Immob isn't that bad, You have X and Y options to help you counter it"

But honestly.

Immob can go get hit by a bus. Peeled off the street, taken the nearest day care, and forced to walk the gauntlet of a thousand legos. Nothing in this game infuriates me more.

I'm not even going to
to hide my bias here. Y'now what forums, do what you do best. I hope immob does get nerfed, and when it does, I will relish in its destruction.

Thing is, is it really not that bad? Even removing the absolute frustration of it, I still think it's busted and it's by design. It can be strong, anything that stops you dead in your tracks and prevents you from dodging is extremely powerful. It's supposed to be powerful, but because it is, it should never be for long durations and NEVER pulse. Pulsing CC is bad, this is no different imo.

Is it that bad? Probably not. Does it make me want to fling various objects out the nearest window? Yes.Am I somewhat ashamed to admit that I get perverse pleasure out of abusing said builds because somewhere deep inside me, lurks a sadistic streak? Also yes.

I think that last bit speaks for itself ?

Immobile is strong and there are things that counter it, but it pulsing often negates those counters which is a problem.

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lol someone didn' carry a condi cleanse lol. I mean seriously. you pretty much whine about every condi no matter what it does. time to get rid of vulnerability oh wait you wouldn't want that.

For ancient seed and entangle you need 1 cleanse atleast or a tp. there are also classes that can outright remove it when they got the correct trait. rev can counter with resistence and mobility skills. same for warrior. necro got condi transfer. ele got enough cleanse on its own by skills like water overload. thief got tp on weapon sets. mesmer got condi cleanse on mantra, and tp. engi got cleanse on heal or just destroys vine using bomb kit. I could go on. I think immobilize is fine.

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At the very least increase the CD on the pet version , 16 sec is a bit low . I don't know of any NON-pulsing immob skill that is on such a low CD , let alone the fact that it lasts 5 sec and pulses. I don't think any ability that translates to dodge this / cleanse this or you will probably die should be on 16 sec CD.

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As a former Ranger Profession player, Immobilization is indeed too strong. Other disabling and interrupting skills also need to be seriously nerfed as well such as, Stun with the complete removal of Child Play Yo-Yo Game>>Pulling


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