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Why sigil of rage is almost the same as the sigil of force


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Ignore this thread.Just wanted to convince myself that sigil of rage is the almost same as sigil force (because I can't use both without dropping sigil of severance).

X = Normal DPS

So sigil of force.X*1.05

and sigil of rage3 sec of quickness every 30 sec. DPS during quickness = x1.5 therefore 4.5 sec worth of DPS during the 3 sec of quickness.1.5 virtual second gained every 30 sec.X(30+1.5)/30=X*1.05

Chance of crit in 30 sec not including the virtual 1.5 sec.4 hits per second. 120 hits per 30 second. 30% crit chance. Crit hits = 120*0.3 = 36likely chance of triggering rage in those 30 sec = 1 - 0.5^36 = 99.999999998%thats assuming 30% crit chance, the odds are higher with more crit chance.

with quickness:6 hits per second instead of 4.More chance of getting crits with quickness because you are effectivly buying 2 extra lottery tickets instead of just 4.With more crits, you have more chance of triggering traits/runes/sigils that proc on critical hit.

People underestimate my speed focused builds.

Edit: I was wrong. Ignore this thread. The internal CD on sigil of rage needs to be reduced for it to be viable.

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I think the problem is the assumption that you're going to hit AS OFTEN while you have rage up as you do when you don't. That's not necessarily the case, so maybe rage is better in the perrfect world but I think reality favours Force, which is active always. It needs careful consideration. For instance, i would not think that on slow weapons, you will get good rage benefit, because they just don't have many hits per second as faster weapons. That matters. You really have to be mindful that the attacks you use have the optimal DPS as well. Lots of things to consider.

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@Obtena.7952 said:I think the problem is the assumption that you're going to hit AS OFTEN while you have rage up as you do when you don't. That's not necessarily the case, so maybe rage is better in the perrfect world but I think reality favours Force, which is active always. It needs careful consideration. For instance, i would not think that on slow weapons, you will get good rage benefit, because they just don't have many hits per second as faster weapons. That matters.

I don't think rage is better. I think its almost the same as force for any fight that takes longer than 30 sec.Force is better because it's less situational and has no rng involved.

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It's more about the parameters of the attacks you are using than the duration of the fights. I mean, yes, for trash, rage is probably bad. It could proc on the killing blow and be wasted. So it is true the benefits are realized on longer fights. From a theoretical, you might think rage is close to force, but it simply depends what you do when it procs ... if you have to dodge for instance, you're losing benefit of rage proc. You never lose the benefit of Force; it's on every hit you make.

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@Obtena.7952 said:It's more about the parameters of the attacks you are using than the duration of the fights. I mean, yes, for trash, rage is probably bad. It could proc on the killing blow and be wasted. So it is true the benefits are realized on longer fights. From a theoretical, you might think rage is close to force, but it simply depends what you do when it procs ... if you have to dodge for instance, you're losing benefit of rage proc. You never lose the benefit of Force; it's on every hit you make.

Ah! You are right. I did not consider that.Ok. Back to sigil of force.

I want some kind of sigil that lets you stun or daze on crit just for symmetry on my dagger dagger sun and moon build.

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