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Soul Beast PVP [Migration] Build


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Had a lot of fun with this build as it is really hard to catch and kill. Condition build using short bow, always kiting, and then switch to dagger to finish off opponents. Dodging is very fun with this, I especially love when scourge try to bomb me as I just keep evading. There is so much condition cleanse, and keeping protection up is easy and almost cancels conditions anyway with rugged growth and second skin. Fights may take a bit of time but you need to use hunter's call right after call of wild into instinctive edge into primal cry into entangle. Jacaranda pet is for nasty situations, so much healing it is almost comical. Jacaranda basically for reset and then back into the fight. If you start getting very low make sure to be in beast mode so you don't die, try to switch back into hawk beast and just run away.


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It seems like a lot if the sustain comes from beeing able to kite and avoid dmg + regenrating health while doing so.Regeneration and Protection both regenerate quite some health per second... Shortbow can kite quite ok, if done right, i think thats what its all about. and going in for the kill with dagger...On a side node: I´d suggest using axe instead of dagger. It really seemed you wanted to use dagger, but axe would do better, i think. I will definitely try it out

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@Spartyr.6795 said:I kinda think this is interesting. I like the synergy with all of the dodging and protection. I don’t do much PvP though.

Windborn notes vs Evasive Purity must have been a tough call for you, lol. So how does warhorn and nature magic support this build?

Since I took WS and got wilderness knowledge there is so much condition removal already, but also hunter's call on 16s cool down really helps. With war horn and entering beast mode you have 2 ways of going unblockable. As Derjoker.9081 says you are sustain dodgy short bow until you need to go in for the kill. When you go beast mode with hawk you gain +350 condition damage with beast mode and dagger, unblockable to make sure you hit with your dagger 3 so you can stack on lot of bleeding and vulnerability. I usually jump in and if I see my health going down a bit I can just heal and continue fighting. The reason I took dagger over axe is because of that extra condition damage as well as primal roar cry radius, which is the beast mode skill,(360 radius) and also poison application as I find in un reliable to count on short bow 2.

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Sorry if this is becoming an AMA, and thanks for the answers. What kind of role do you find yourself playing with this build? Are you 1v1ing on points to try and take them before the help arrives, or do you try to find opportunities to +1 on fights? Or do you engage in team fights with this? Like what strategy do you find yourself using with it?

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I am in team fights and then +1. Can sustain long enough to stay on point until help get there but in no way a bunker. Most of my games we have team fights in the mid then once it is over I will help +1 points, de cap points, and do objectives since you have permanent swiftness and nice leap. I find I have good map presence and also when I get chance I can cast swiftness and fury to allies with moa stance + call of the wild, which I start every game doing.

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