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Pvp rank /skins/ experience


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Can for fuck sake rank pvp experience be lower? Stuggling here to get rank100 just to get a few skins.But this shit takes lots of time. Not to mention you loose a game of 10 mins and u get a little experience.

I know some people use the custom games for rank farm but usually they are empty.Really wish there was a better way to lvl the pvp rank. Its like 15 wins per lvl ............................

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@Mitsuruji.1796 said:Can for kitten sake rank pvp experience be lower? Stuggling here to get rank100 just to get a few skins.But this kitten takes lots of time. Not to mention you loose a game of 10 mins and u get a little experience.

I know some people use the custom games for rank farm but usually they are empty.Really wish there was a better way to lvl the pvp rank. Its like 15 wins per lvl ............................

There aren't many rewards for dedication in pvp, i kinda want some skins from wvw or raids but since i don't do them much i will probably never have them. You do the thing you get the stuff.

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If you want to carry pick something that doesn't need a support, find a competent duo partner that complements your niche such as

Side Node and +1Team Fighter and +1Or +1 and +1

I'd avoid going Teamfighter and Support because you can carry fights all day long but if the rest of your team can't hold sides you're done for.

Ultimately rotations win games and you can lose fights as long as you're winning nodes and rotations and that's how you climb.

In my case as a warrior my general list is somthing like this:

!Match Start!Can I win the side node vs their first home?Yes? Can someone get our home? Yes? Rush far and hold until I get +1ed.No? Go home.

!I've capped my home!Did their side node rush to mid? Yes? Rush far. No? Are they coming to my home? Yes? Defend node No? Go mid until they arrive and then decap them.

!I'm being +1ed!Let them decal node. I should kite and kill one of them if possible. If both chase me while the node is capped then I'm winning hard.

!My team is dead. They all wiped mid!Rush far and with any luck they will send their team to deal with you thus throwing their snowball and giving your team time to regroup.

!I'm getting a +1 from my team!Focus on decapping first and then killing second. If the enemy is downed on node then finish them. If they're downed off the point then bleed them unless a speed revive class is in the game.

!I'm losing my 1v1!F to pay respects. Try and hold the node for as long as you can. If you get away and reset then do so.

!They have the node and some fun hating bunker is camping it!Rush mid and help while keeping your mobility skills. Wait for the bunker to leave the node. Rush back to decap/full cap it.This applies to losing 1v1s as well.Never ever fight on an enemy on an enemy capped node unless your team has the two other nodes or you are outnumbering them.

If you're talking about top 100 for 2v2 then you better get your Rev/Firebrand/Necro/Ele out and find a friend who can fill on your second. Make sure one of you can speed revive and one of you can DPS. Focus one target. Keep an eye on the timer and make sure you heal before 0.

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