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What's your head canon for game mechanics?

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In every video game, there are times where mechanics take priority over realism to keep the game running at a smooth pace. We don't need to take half an hour to equip heavy armour, we can carry a thousand weapons in our bags and not be slowed down by it's weight and characters can have wings on their backs.

Are there any game mechanics in GW2 that you have head canon for to justify why they happen?

For instance, partially inspired by the mistfire wolf, my head canon for mounts is that they are summoned from the mists, which makes it easier to justify calling a griffon in mid air or a skimmer from the surface of an ocean far away from it's home in the elon riverlands or just mount swapping in general without the need for stables everywhere. What about you guys? What's your head canon for some lore breaking game mechanics?

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@castlemanic.3198 said:In every video game, there are times where mechanics take priority over realism to keep the game running at a smooth pace. We don't need to take half an hour to equip heavy armour, we can carry a thousand weapons in our bags and not be slowed down by it's weight and characters can have wings on their backs.

Are there any game mechanics in GW2 that you have head canon for to justify why they happen?

For instance, partially inspired by the mistfire wolf, my head canon for mounts is that they are summoned from the mists, which makes it easier to justify calling a griffon in mid air or a skimmer from the surface of an ocean far away from it's home in the elon riverlands or just mount swapping in general without the need for stables everywhere. What about you guys? What's your head canon for some lore breaking game mechanics?

Somewhere in the mists is a mound of Springers that I've crushed. I'd like to visit their grave one day and give them a proper burial.

@Sartharina.3542 said:A warrior's ability to move and fight the way it does is clearly magic.

I think that is canon. Every GW2 class uses magic, even the more mundane ones. A normal human without magic in GW2 can't do anything a normal human can't, they certainly can't swing hard enough to tear through dragon scale, or leap 20ft in plate armor.

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