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PvP needs to be fixed out of botters and hackers and i have been having little suggestions for this


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So i have reasently done pvp for grindign toward legendary armors and have been getting sick of these people using bots and hacks in pvp i have been also talkign with people around pvp lobby and in pve maps chats etc my proposal toward pvp for ranked seasons now on pvp season reward chests get "nerfed" from dropping any in game money (gold/silver/bronze) to make these bots that are farming for golds and hackers go away from pvp because i know people can report hacker and bots and etc but this has not been helping on pvp because there have been increasing amount of these kind of players in pvp i would recomending to get all gold out of pvp reward tracks and etc drops toward that and increase amount of drops in ascended shard of glory and season tickets. i know arenat has dropped in mini seasons from Byzantium (repeatable) to Persimmon (repeatable) chest and dropped amount of gold you can get on Byzantium (repeatable) chests on 5v5 seasonbut that has not been fixing this problem toward having fun and etc in pvp it jsut have been makign nothign towards it people are still usign bot no mather what i know someone legit players jsut like me are gettting mad if this comes togame when they cant farm gold in pvp liek they have been and like to do so but thsi has to dealed now before all of those legit player quits the game and there is only left of these botters and hacker i know lot of good players and only pvp players tht hva ebeen quiting the game because risign of population of hackers and botters-thats my first proposal

2nd proposal is making the game jsut like world of warcraft does that you need to pay some amount money lets say like in month so you can play the game (this would then delete f2p option) lets say like 10e in a month people need to pay to get into game this should fix more problems towards rising of population of botters and hackers because most of people will not pay for something that when their acccount in lagre % will get banned or deleted or jsut go back to those time before the vanilla came to be f2p lets say people that have been laying over 3 years would not to have to pay for this option or for thosethat have already byed one or both dlcs for the game

these are the options i would see to would mostly fix this problem toward rising population of hackers and bots i would more prefer toward the first option because i know there is still lots and lots of f2p players and it makes people more likely to try out gw2 if they have not played the game before but those like me that can spend little money in every month to play this game no mather what this brings to hte game im mostly pve player and jsut like everyone like having chill time with the and not be hardore like someones do i hope at in arenanet updators and change maker inside company this could put some talking and some discussion.

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This would probably delete most players from pvp. The bots still get reward track gain. Also paying to enter most of the trashfire games lol, how many game servers do you see, people don't want to pay gold to pvp, most people don't want to touch pvp even. Rebalancing rewards to be received only for winning could remove some incentive for botters but somehow bots are getting 50% win rate and reach gold. Hackers that are not bots are there to grief you, they aren't there for the gold. Also removing ranked from free to play might help.The only solution for the problem is for Arenanet to start banning people and not wait 6 months to a year to do ban waves. I find it funny that Arenanet does more bans in the forum then the game.

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@Anza.4276 said:

2nd proposal is making the game jsut like world of warcraft does that you need to pay some amount money lets say like in month so you can play the game (this would then delete f2p option) lets say like 10e in a month people need to pay to get into game this should fix more problems towards rising of population of botters and hackers because most of people will not pay for something that when their acccount in lagre % will get banned or deleted or jsut go back to those time before the vanilla came to be f2p lets say people that have been laying over 3 years would not to have to pay for this option or for thosethat have already byed one or both dlcs for the game

One of the attractions of this game is that there is no monthly sub. If there was one, I could no longer play for economic reasons - that's over $18 a month in my currency.Also, there are bots in subscription games.

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Vindicated.3491 yeas that helps but its not enough when these people just can hack their way pass those "disshonors" and bansand if they dont do it jsut like bot users seems to do they jsut wait for the ban/ "disshonors" to ed then keep going what they have been doing before and these people also does they jsut keep making newer account to bot gold farm on that will not fix the issue what we are currently moslty in EU servers having on but have heard there is rising of the same issue in NA servers too these are jsut my way to think how to fix these kinds of issues

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Hesione.9412 i know one of the attractions to GW2 is that there is no mountly subs but these are kinda of the issue that have been getting out of hand for GW2 there is one of the ways to make the game be mounthly sub jsut like world of worldcraft does or just simply making MUST BUY FOR DLC CONTENT OR THE BASE GAME AGAIN SO PEOPLE WOULD LESS MORE LIKELY GO AND BUY THE GAME AND HACK PEOPLE ARE DOING THESE KINDS OF THINGS BECAUSE THE GAME IS F2P (this would not make you need to buy the content again if you already have the dlcs or the original base from the time before F2P option towards vanilla game and be also not make you buy the game if you already have the one of the dlcs or both of them) and more better solution that i think is the first option making all pvp season rewardschest not drop any in game money for the players i know such as myself have done pvp for gold farming by legit but these botters have make the game die more faster than it should and more and more for this reason that arenat haves not done anything really towards changing things in pvp have quit the game or jsut simply go back to pve or wvw or just taking long break from the game and coming back seeing this what haves been hoing on uninstalled the game and then telling in map chats etc to quit thegame because there are these "tarded" (sorry for saying but thats how most of people are writing about this stuff) have been making "best" mode for them to suck so hard and most of newer players that hav ebeen seeing in pve those that have jsut started their jorney towards levels and etc and only having like 3-20 hours in the game asking should i join into pvp and most people jsut ignores it or says no you should not but not tellign why they should not go and try it out most people have been ignorin the bots and hackers in pvp but i have been getting enough it becuase im also one of those players that will be also lost from the game becuase if there will not be REAL SOLUTION towards this issue lots and lsot of people including me will stop playing because community has makign game suck harder and harder since 2018 toward next year hope this helped to undestand the isue more and why people are been so toxic about this

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Vancho.8750 there is also option where if your on F2P accoutn arenanet could just not let F2P players come to pvp lobby before bying of one the or both dlcs because of of peopel doign these botting and hacking stuff comes from when arenanet has not been playing attension towarrds keping players happy and wanting them play more pvp jsut liek goood old time back 2017 and before when you did very rarely see any kinds of hackking or botting talkign about like if you play for only pvp and 1 year everyday for 5 hours you did in max see liek 2-4 bots and hackr now a days in in every single game being in 5v5 season around 2-3 bots 1 hacker 1-4 legit players etc those kinds of things and in 2v2 (mini seasons) just like at the moment we are having there is 1-3 botters and at max 2 real players if you go and solo Q there will be around 2-3 botters one in your team always msotly then 2 in enemys and they use hacks so much you cant even kill then and in 3v3 mostly like the same 2-4 botters 1 hacker these what i have been saying in the original post that this haves been getting out of hand and arenat should go and try to do something about this BTW THOSE BOTTER AND HACKER AND LEGIT PLAYER IN PVP THAT I TOLD THERE IS AROUND THAT AMOUNT IS IN EVERY SINGLE MATCH

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Vindicated.3491 i answered this same question in one of the comments but things like these has not stopped hackers and botters doing what they do arenat should make like not F2P players come to pvp or change somethings in reward season chest like i said in suggestion number 1

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@Anza.4276 said:Vindicated.3491 i answered this same question in one of the comments but things like these has not stopped hackers and botters doing what they do arenat should make like not F2P players come to pvp or change somethings in reward season chest like i said in suggestion number 1

Stopping F2P-players from accessing ranked won't help against people who are botting or hacking to farm gold, because they already need/use paid accounts (as F2P- accounts can't transfer the gold/items). It may help against some match-manipulators, trolls etc., but it won't solve the main-problem you mentioned. The best solution would be more monitoring and more bans.

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@Schimmi.6872 said:

@Anza.4276 said:Vindicated.3491 i answered this same question in one of the comments but things like these has not stopped hackers and botters doing what they do arenat should make like not F2P players come to pvp or change somethings in reward season chest like i said in suggestion number 1

Stopping F2P-players from accessing ranked won't help against people who are botting or hacking to farm gold, because they already need/use paid accounts (as F2P- accounts can't transfer the gold/items). It may help against some match-manipulators, trolls etc., but it won't solve the main-problem you mentioned. The best solution would be more monitoring and more bans.

this is making sense yeas but have you not heard if they have bots/hacking engines they can also hackas they way throw limited things on F2P accounts i know this by one of my frined and me looked what you can do in sertant hacking engines and one of those things whereyou can hack gems by pass F2P limits and send gold to another accounts etc

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@Anza.4276 said:

@Anza.4276 said:Vindicated.3491 i answered this same question in one of the comments but things like these has not stopped hackers and botters doing what they do arenat should make like not F2P players come to pvp or change somethings in reward season chest like i said in suggestion number 1

Stopping F2P-players from accessing ranked won't help against people who are botting or hacking to farm gold, because they already need/use paid accounts (as F2P- accounts can't transfer the gold/items). It may help against some match-manipulators, trolls etc., but it won't solve the main-problem you mentioned. The best solution would be more monitoring and more bans.

this is making sense yeas but have you not heard if they have bots/hacking engines they can also hackas they way throw limited things on F2P accounts i know this by one of my frined and me looked what you can do in sertant hacking engines and one of those things whereyou can hack gems by pass F2P limits and send gold to another accounts etc

still not saying i used it but i jsut was interested to seewhat can you do with those hacking engines im still and will always be legit players im not one of those tarded people that installs the game to just go and use bottings and hacking in it

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@Schimmi.6872 said:

@Anza.4276 said:Vindicated.3491 i answered this same question in one of the comments but things like these has not stopped hackers and botters doing what they do arenat should make like not F2P players come to pvp or change somethings in reward season chest like i said in suggestion number 1

Stopping F2P-players from accessing ranked won't help against people who are botting or hacking to farm gold, because they already need/use paid accounts (as F2P- accounts can't transfer the gold/items). It may help against some match-manipulators, trolls etc., but it won't solve the main-problem you mentioned. The best solution would be more monitoring and more bans.

stoping f2p players from ranked will help(with a propper ban politics), yes to transfer gold you need to have a full acount but mechanics that use mass botters is create various f2p acounts----> bot -----> acumulate worthy gold amount------> wait a prudential time------> upgrade acount -------> transfer

if you remove f2p from ranked(and apropiate ban politic) they have to risk paid acounts, you remove the 0 risk factor to boting

more monitoring and bans have 0 efect if f2p acounts are in ranked because if you get caught and banned you simply have to create a new f2p acount, bans only have efect in real players with real acounts in that they invested time, in use and trhow f2p acounts bans have 0 dissuasory efect

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The only reason I play this game is becuz there is no monthly fee and that I can sub stain my in game gold fix simply by being good at pvp, so plz no- neither of these changes will make me happy, nor make climbing ranked anymore fun. And sry about that but you cannot change my feelings towards a huge tax like that- also if I wanted a game with quality gameplay like that I would play wow, but gw2 combat is simple and smooth so I play it even if I could afford a monthly fee

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@megilandil.7506 said:

@Anza.4276 said:Vindicated.3491 i answered this same question in one of the comments but things like these has not stopped hackers and botters doing what they do arenat should make like not F2P players come to pvp or change somethings in reward season chest like i said in suggestion number 1

Stopping F2P-players from accessing ranked won't help against people who are botting or hacking to farm gold, because they already need/use paid accounts (as F2P- accounts can't transfer the gold/items). It may help against some match-manipulators, trolls etc., but it won't solve the main-problem you mentioned. The best solution would be more monitoring and more bans.

stoping f2p players from ranked will help(with a propper ban politics), yes to transfer gold you need to have a full acount but mechanics that use mass botters is create various f2p acounts----> bot -----> acumulate worthy gold amount------> wait a prudential time------> upgrade acount -------> transfer

if you remove f2p from ranked(and apropiate ban politic) they have to risk paid acounts, you remove the 0 risk factor to boting

more monitoring and bans have 0 efect if f2p acounts are in ranked because if you get caught and banned you simply have to create a new f2p acount, bans only have efect in real players with real acounts in that they invested time, in use and trhow f2p acounts bans have 0 dissuasory efect

I don't deny, that proper restrictions for f2p may be usefull, but at the momentary state, bans would be more important. Botters don't seem to care, if they loose paid accounts atm, as many post about them mention that they use PoF-classes.Ideally the bots (no matter if paid or f2p) should be detected as fast as possible, before the can even reach a high enough level to play ranked or they cause any harm in one of the other gamemodes.

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@Schimmi.6872 said:

@Anza.4276 said:Vindicated.3491 i answered this same question in one of the comments but things like these has not stopped hackers and botters doing what they do arenat should make like not F2P players come to pvp or change somethings in reward season chest like i said in suggestion number 1

Stopping F2P-players from accessing ranked won't help against people who are botting or hacking to farm gold, because they already need/use paid accounts (as F2P- accounts can't transfer the gold/items). It may help against some match-manipulators, trolls etc., but it won't solve the main-problem you mentioned. The best solution would be more monitoring and more bans.

stoping f2p players from ranked will help(with a propper ban politics), yes to transfer gold you need to have a full acount but mechanics that use mass botters is create various f2p acounts----> bot -----> acumulate worthy gold amount------> wait a prudential time------> upgrade acount -------> transfer

if you remove f2p from ranked(and apropiate ban politic) they have to risk paid acounts, you remove the 0 risk factor to boting

more monitoring and bans have 0 efect if f2p acounts are in ranked because if you get caught and banned you simply have to create a new f2p acount, bans only have efect in real players with real acounts in that they invested time, in use and trhow f2p acounts bans have 0 dissuasory efect

I don't deny, that proper restrictions for f2p may be usefull, but at the momentary state, bans would be more important. Botters don't seem to care, if they loose paid accounts atm, as many post about them mention that they use PoF-classes.Ideally the bots (no matter if paid or f2p) should be detected as fast as possible, before the can even reach a high enough level to play ranked or they cause any harm in one of the other gamemodes.

Bans are the most important thing, but if they are F2pacounts bans dont matter because its no cost in create a new.

and yes some(a lot of them) are using pof and hot acounts because they tried in f2p acounts, and .... nothing hapened next step is to come with the paid acount with all the fancy elites and also nothing hapened

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@megilandil.7506 said:

@Anza.4276 said:Vindicated.3491 i answered this same question in one of the comments but things like these has not stopped hackers and botters doing what they do arenat should make like not F2P players come to pvp or change somethings in reward season chest like i said in suggestion number 1

Stopping F2P-players from accessing ranked won't help against people who are botting or hacking to farm gold, because they already need/use paid accounts (as F2P- accounts can't transfer the gold/items). It may help against some match-manipulators, trolls etc., but it won't solve the main-problem you mentioned. The best solution would be more monitoring and more bans.

stoping f2p players from ranked will help(with a propper ban politics), yes to transfer gold you need to have a full acount but mechanics that use mass botters is create various f2p acounts----> bot -----> acumulate worthy gold amount------> wait a prudential time------> upgrade acount -------> transfer

if you remove f2p from ranked(and apropiate ban politic) they have to risk paid acounts, you remove the 0 risk factor to boting

more monitoring and bans have 0 efect if f2p acounts are in ranked because if you get caught and banned you simply have to create a new f2p acount, bans only have efect in real players with real acounts in that they invested time, in use and trhow f2p acounts bans have 0 dissuasory efect

thats why i think arenat should jsut go and delete all the gold/any ingame money from rankend season chest so these botters cant farm for them free
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I think the ideas towards pips/reward chests are enough. The freebie pips encourage people to bot, afk, or give games their bare minimal effort because no matter how bad you do, you will still be making a lot of gold for it. Pips should only be given for winning or move to Unranked or both.

Ranked is the single-best gold farm in the game; especially without off-seasons, and all the toxic players and bots are drawn to that. If you grind out a repeatable Byzantium chest, you get about as much gold as you would farming Silverwastes for a 1-2 hours(Which is mind-numbing by comparison) plus ascended shards that can go towards getting ascended gear much cheaper.

Really there shouldn't even be a comparison between Silverwastes and Ranked PvP because Ranked is supposed to be sPvP's competitive option outside AT's.

Hard pass on the sub-fee too. The lack thereof has been a major selling point for Gw2 for forever. I don't think they're about to ditch that to maybe(probably not) get rid of a few bots in the game's most neglected mode.

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@"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:I think the ideas towards pips/reward chests are enough. The freebie pips encourage people to bot, afk, or give games their bare minimal effort because no matter how bad you do, you will still be making a lot of gold for it. Pips should only be given for winning or move to Unranked or both.

Ranked is the single-best gold farm in the game; especially without off-seasons, and all the toxic players and bots are drawn to that. If you grind out a repeatable Byzantium chest, you get about as much gold as you would farming Silverwastes for a 1-2 hours(Which is mind-numbing by comparison) plus ascended shards that can go towards getting ascended gear much cheaper.

Really there shouldn't even be a comparison between Silverwastes and Ranked PvP because Ranked is supposed to be sPvP's competitive option outside AT's.

Hard pass on the sub-fee too. The lack thereof has been a major selling point for Gw2 for forever. I don't think they're about to ditch that to maybe(probably not) get rid of a few bots in the game's most neglected mode.

thing is people are using this to "grind" for the ascension and legendary armors most of people jsut skip ascended gear if they can bot for legendarys

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Just saying - remove rewards or make them more difficult to acquire in PvP and watch this game mode lose players faster then ever before.

The only thing keeping this mode going atm is players farming for either legendary or gold.

Nerfing rewards will simply increase que times by large amounts - nothing more.

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I've said it several times in this forum -> It's time to remove ranked mode for literally every possible reason that could be discussed. Ranked mode has become something like a cancer "being serious, not meme'ish" and that cancer is being ignored, which is making the rest of the body sick, when it just needs to be removed.

This is what needs to happen:

  1. Remove Ranked
  2. Shuffle associated Ranked rewards into Unranked
  3. Attach leaderboard statistics, title rewards, badge icons, onto monthly AT seasons which end and restart after MATs.
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@Azreell.1568 said:Just saying - remove rewards or make them more difficult to acquire in PvP and watch this game mode lose players faster then ever before.

The only thing keeping this mode going atm is players farming for either legendary or gold.

Nerfing rewards will simply increase que times by large amounts - nothing more.

Encouraging people to continue breaking the rules, and ruining the game for everyone else just for the sake of getting faster queue times isn't the best idea.

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