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What next? A mini guide for new players who just reached 80 and making the next decision

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If a new player had played another MMO besides GW2 it's likely that MMO was level based. Train skill 1 to max, oh I will train skill 2 to max, oh now I will train skill 3.

Guild Wars 2 is not as intuitive. Once you hit level 80, there's not as many signs pointing you to the next "skill," so to speak. The signs I can think of are achievement points and mastery points. If they've trained from 1 - 80 the normal way the game probably would have pointed them in the direction of their AP and MP (achievement point and mastery points).

But here are some other goal ideas.

  • Fashion skin hunting
  • Working towards making a full home instance
  • Working on getting all mounts
  • Completing all story content
  • Getting the commander tag
  • Doing all dungeons/fractals/raids
  • Learning to command all metas and hero point trains competently (commanders don't just magically know how to do this stuff - they had to start and stumble somewhere)
  • Earning ranks in WVW and PVP
  • Training all crafting disciplines to 500
  • Going for a legendary*Completing the entire map
  • Participating in all events at least once
  • Training other accounts to max level
  • Learning and understanding your rotations
  • Completing all jumping puzzles which falls under achievement hunting, but because of the nature of it deserves its own category. Without a teleport!
  • Title hunting
  • World map completion on alts
  • Doing all alternative versions of the personal story until you've exhausted every single possible option you can choose from
  • Learning to solo things that were designed for a group
  • Working towards certain in game exclusive rewards that can't be brought
  • Finding locations to take good screenshots (timing, lighting and possibly good editing)
  • Complete all bounties
  • Getting the WVW mount
  • etc

You will come up with more and more ideas on what to do the more you play.

Due to the sheer number of things that can be done. If I had no idea what to do I would choose the first one on a list I created, then do that goal either to completion or leave it because I realized another goal calls out to me more. I might even switch between more than one goal. Just as in many games you can switch between more than one skill!

The wiki is a really good source for achieving those goals due to the well-organized layout. But if stuck, questions can always be asked on the forums.

These goals can also be ideas for veterans who went on a hiatus.

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