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PVE Build comparison and help needed for Solo play (or with a real bad team lol)


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Hey Mesmers, long time veteran here, but somewhat new to Chronomancer specifically. I'm looking for a build that has decent damage capabilities , but most importantly I'm looking for something that can survive/win in most combat scenarios by itself including low tier fractals, open world champions, groups of veterans/elites etc..

I can accomplish this quite easily on my main classes, (thief, reaper, rev, guardian, soulbeast, etc.. ) However, Chronomancer I've been struggling a bit. I've been rotating three builds with varying success , I was hoping you guys could analyze them, add to them, and help me figure out a version that might be best for what I'm trying to accomplish. Here's what I got so far:

First up : This is a tweaked meta build, using wells for extra healing and dodge for extra clones. But a bit squishy overall. Wells have a long cooldown . My least favorite:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?Pi1AwyFlNw2YMsGWJW6XatfA-zRhYBR3UFk3WQhihVItlixGIVUVqNA-e

Second: This is another tweaked version of the meta, focusing on additional damage output using signet of ether to recharge phantasms, while relying on runes and sigils for sustain (generosity and vampirism specifically). It's pretty good overall, but struggles against incoming high damaging scenarios that don't have a lot of mobs present to kill.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?Pi1AwyFlVw2YMsGWJW6XaNfA-zxQYhob5tDXYh0WAGbqURV53A-e

Third: This is the one I've had the most success with, but I hate giving up an entire trait line just to make it work. It uses inspiration trait line for lots of sustain/cleanses just by summoning clones and phantasms and signet of ether to keep it's damage output from falling off too much.

I intentionally left food out of the conversation just to simplify things. (If you're wondering about the celestial trinkets, they're just lazy placeholders until I figure out the best build for my playstyle). I sometimes use offhand shield and phantasmal defender instead of enchanter. I've considered a mantra build, but they seem to contradict my playstyle a bit, but I can be convinced. What build do you guys think is the best for what I'm trying to accomplish, what other builds or tweaks might you suggest instead? Thanks !

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http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiABc+drlVwAZJMEmJW2TpPPA-zRRYkBbG9syIzUIkKQ4B-ecmirage, this is what I have been using recently ( more or less )inspiration and feedback is used to instarevive plebs that die, if you dont need its sustain/plebrevival switch for illusions for more damage, if you dont feel as tanky as you want to be you can put it more trailblazer pieces ( really not needed ) for champs add in scepter instead of one of the axes and the build is done.

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The second build looks alright but needs tweaks. Sustain is irrelevant for the most part since majority of your damage on chrono comes from phantasms which are ranged. Clone generation is irrelevant, but vulnerability and lots of dps modifiers from domination (1/2-2-1) can help a lot. Vampirism runes aren't that useful since you should never struggle against mobs (which are the only thing that will trigger the effect, and if it works like stacking sigils it won't work on most events since those mobs don't give exp). Pack and eagle give you everything you need. Cleansing sigil is also much better choice if you need cleanses since transferring them doesn't do much in pve.

Nothing wrong in getting more defensive weapons or scepter if you need to kite stronger enemies.

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@"Leonidrex.5649" said:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PiABc+drlVwAZJMEmJW2TpPPA-zRRYkBbG9syIzUIkKQ4B-ecmirage, this is what I have been using recently ( more or less )inspiration and feedback is used to instarevive plebs that die, if you dont need its sustain/plebrevival switch for illusions for more damage, if you dont feel as tanky as you want to be you can put it more trailblazer pieces ( really not needed ) for champs add in scepter instead of one of the axes and the build is done.

I should have clarified, looking for Chrono advice. I'm not interested in any mirage builds. I have a pretty good mirage build already, but I appreciate the mirage tips nonetheless.

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This is what I use for my mirage for open world PvE


You can change Crystal Sands for any other utility you need to suit the fight/environment at hand. You can literally kill anything with this build.

Arcane Thievery is a star, there are many mobs that get buffs and you can literally stomp them by stealing their buffs. You also get a very large amount of buffs by yourself.

You can also swap Sigil of Malice for Sigil of the Earth.

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