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Should the Swim Infusion bonus add to the Skimmer's speed?

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The Skimmer is faster than any swim infusion:

People spent time and resources to get those infusions, farming Krait for a key each day and opening chests, and upgrade them over time. Now they are practically useless (except for WvW).

Perhaps they could make those infusions interact with the Skimmer's underwater speed by adding to it? What do you think?

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Swim infusions still give fast movement when unmounted, and a quick escape when you can't get out of combat, so they are not useless any more than the gliders became useless when griffons and skyscales appeared.

And, if we get more underwater race events, letting speed infusions give a boost makes those events P2W. (I'm assuming no speed boosts affect your roller beetle? Tell me if I'm wrong, please, and maybe I'll finish Rolling Ace.)

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@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:A bit confused here; other posts claim the Skimmer is slower than using Swim Infusions. Which is it?

Nope, my latest "other" post is the exact same as the entry post here - I wrote (on the other thread) that I used a stop watch to confirm that_shaman's claim, and the mount is indeed faster compared to my +20 infusion, even when it was barely noticeable to me at first. But the clock doesn't lie. ;)

@Astralporing.1957 said:I'd guess it depends on the swim infusion used. That_shaman used +16 one.

Someone calculated that even a +30 is still slower than the mount. Hmph, can't find the link/post. :/ (But who'd be crazy enough to go for a +30 anyway; +20 is were I drew the line for my coin purse. ;) ).

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:A bit confused here; other posts claim the Skimmer is slower than using Swim Infusions. Which is it?

Nope, my latest "other" post is the exact same as the entry post here - I wrote (on the other thread) that I used a stop watch to confirm that_shaman's claim, and the mount is indeed faster compared to my +20 infusion, even when it was barely noticeable to me at first. But the clock doesn't lie. ;)

@Astralporing.1957 said:I'd guess it depends on the swim infusion used. That_shaman used +16 one.

Someone calculated that even a +30 is still slower than the mount. Hmph, can't find the link/post. :/ (But who'd be crazy enough to go for a +30 anyway; +20 is were I drew the line for my coin purse. ;) ).

Indeed. You would need an infusion that was +60 or greater to match the mount. A couple problems with that is out of combat movement speed is capped at 40% (or was it 36%) and acquiring an infusion of that amount would cost hundreds of trillions of gold.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:It also appears that a skimmer is faster on top of water than underwater by a large margin.

  • Regular swim speed: 320 u/s
  • Skimmer above water: 850 u/s
  • Skimmer under water: 540 u/s

The above from That_Shaman.

Yes, I think it's a good idea because skimmer's speed underwater is slower than above water, this could compesate up to the point to cap both under and above water at 850 (which should have already been at release imho).

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Nope. Swim speed infusions were added early May 2018, that means you had up to over two years of enjoying a static swim speed increase.

You will still be able to enjoy faster swimming in areas that don't allow mounts, fractals, and in combat but mounts should be equal no matter the gear/gold someone has, provided the people have the same masteries unlocked.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Zephire.8049 said:Nope. Swim speed infusions were added early May 2018, that means you had up to over two years of enjoying a static swim speed increase.I think you have no idea how long it takes to upgrade them to a proper level. ;)
No one
I know got beyond +20 yet, so two years were
for those infusions.

That's what gold into the TP is for. Don't bleed your gold into fashion.I didn't FARM the ones for my +20 in the first week :wink: I bought when everyone figured they were worthless.

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@keenedge.9675 said:That's what gold into the TP is for. Don't bleed your gold into fashion.

"Fashion"?? Swim infusions have no visual effects.

@keenedge.9675 said:I didn't FARM the ones for my +20 in the first week :wink: I bought when everyone figured they were worthless.

Same here. And yet you are nowhere close to +30, either. That was my point exactly.

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No. Mounts should create an equal baseline for everyone. That approach balances new players versus veterans. Infusions give vets the edge when dismounted and gives people still something to work towards and awards vets for time spent. Pay vets for their time but don't overcompensate to the point of a new player to feel there is too much they missed why bother.

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