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[EU] [PvE] Creating new Raid Static. Not speed-clear hardcore. Goal will be good reliable clears.


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Greetings, after searching around for awhile after a group to raid with I've come up pretty damn dry. So gonna throw my ball into the court and see if anything comes out of it. This will not be a guild who focuses on anything more then raids so don't tag along expecting weekly guild missions and HP-runs.

Since this is a new "project" not much is decided yet, raid times/days will be set when members start coming along. Depending on the members we'll get we will either start from scratch with Wing 1 or get going where we feel like it the most. Most things are up for discussion so everyone's ideas will be valid.

No set LI or KPs will be required to join, though you must feel that you are ready to step into raiding if you are new. If this will be your first static group you must be willing to prepare yourself before an encounter so one person doesn't hold the rest back.


  • Able to communicate through voice chat and a willingness to speak.

  • Have at least 1 raid ready class with appropriate experience on it

  • Be up for multi-classing and switching roles depending on the encounter

  • Do not be afraid to handle encounter specific mechanics

  • Some experience in GW2 Raiding or experience from raiding in other MMOs (Extraordinary exceptions can be made, contact me and we will talk over it)

  • Show up on time and always try to attend every raid (Real life will always come first, if something unexpected comes up and it's impossible for you to join that will obviously be alright. But making a habit of it won't be tolerated)

  • Be 19+ years of age.

  • Always come prepared to every raid. (That means food/utilities, correct gear and appropriate pre-knowledge of the encounters we will face)

Big bonus points

  • Have more then 1 raid ready class/role

  • Prior experience in X amount of GW2 raid wings

  • Able to help out with recruiting members and setting raids up

  • Putting in extra effort by helping out with whatever may be needed.

So, if this sounds like anything for you or if you'd just like to get some more information, leave a message here or private message me and i will contact you as soon as possible. Thanks for reading and hoping to hear from you soon. Thanks!

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Hello, i wanna join. I am Nick from Ukraine, 28 years old.I have:Pdh, cfb, hfb, druid, pholo, mesmer. Also wanna do: alacrity revenant, boon thief, heal necro.

Have exp in:W1-w4W5: one time full clearW6 (without quadim)W7 full clear several times

I easily understand English, and also can speak by simple phrases.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there

I, 28yo, am also interested in finding a casual, reliable raid clearing guild. I've been with the franchise for 15 years now. I have some experience raiding (41LI, W1-4), but this was from a few months back, so I might be a bit rusty on some mechanics, but I'll be more than happy to do some research on them again. I took quite a substantial break from the game a few years back, but have been playing a good amount for the last 1-2 years.Currently I am mostly focusing on T4 daily's which would also be nice to find somewhat of a 'static' group for if there are other members interested in doing these. Maybe even hit CM's one day.

I have the following classes ready to go for raids with either full ascended or partially ascended (trinkets/weapons):PDPS Daredevil (main)PDPS DragonhunterQFB DPSCondi BS/Power BSPower Tempest/Power Weaver (still learning to play the piano tho)Boon Support Chrono (rip)Power SoulbeastDruid Healer

As you can see I can bring some role versatility to the table, however, some I am more experienced/comfortable with then others. But these are some roles that I have geared and are ready to go. Ultimately I have all professions/specializations at endgame level at my disposel, just some of them I haven't touched in a long while.

If you are still looking for members. Feel free to send me an ingame mail for a chat :)

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