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Weekly Fractal Achievements missing from the UI or hidden in the UI?


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The Sept 15 update gave us weekly fractals rewards or achievements but I can't seem to find them in the UI. Am I looking in the wrong place? Are they bugged/missing? Is this a case of really bad grammar/wording in the patch notes?

I see 4 new achievements for completing almost every fractal in T1, T2, T3 and T4 (15, 12, 9 and 6 respectively) but if I run T4s daily, why the hell am I going to run 15 T1s in a week? That's more than 2 per day and not covered by daily recs. Surely I am missing something.

Surely "Initiate Fractal Fighter" is a reincarnation of the old "Fractal Initiate" achievement that most of us completed ages ago.

I did daily T4s and recs yesterday and have zero progress towards "Initiate Fractal Fighter" (or the other 3 in the series) which seems like a bug.

So confused.

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You might be bugged for whatever reason but others have finished the weekly surely. Perhaps progress was reset between patches yesterday or something like that.I finished the T4 fractal Fighter weekly achievement and have progress on the T1/T2/T3 ones. Keep in mind the number only goes up with unique fractals so if you repeat something it won't increase the count.

Arenanet probably should have had the numbers of the fractals listed out per each achievement section of the weekly achievement though.

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I can't even find the achievement anywhere in the UI. Where is it? Under Fractals would seem to be the obvious place, but it is not there for me. It finally has shown up. Cannot explain the problem.

I guess the only thing to figure out is why we need 15 T1, 12 T2 and 9 T3 fractals in a week, and only 6 T4. This makes no sense.

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