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Not a bad idea, other option that was posted by others was to make it a map and/or announcement depending on the tactic. This would also be a QoL change for things like emergency waypoint where it could link and team callout that the the pull had been made so that people could get even more time to react to the issue since quite often someone pulling it might be a bit distracted by what was making them do the callout. And it would cover the troll issue as well. So +10 here.

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@"Hannelore.8153" said:I also don't like when enemies use the banners and food I put down. /s

Tactics are a public service, it sucks when people misuse them but its rare, and expected when placing them.

I got a good laugh reading the "but it's rare" statement. Maybe your server doesn't get trolled often, but TC is trolled almost hourly, every day of the week.

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Not better add a "History" tab to objectives in which would be information who claimed/put tactics/used tactics and those informations would be only visible to the server that owns said objective? Let's say that Red controls SM, the history tab would look like:(...) For Red:01:20:34 18/09/2020 Red capped SM.01:23:23 18/09/2020 Red guild ABC claimed SM.01:35:32 18/09/2020 Red Player xyz put qwe tactic in SM.02:23:45 18/09/2020 Red Player efd used afk tactic in SM.03:34:12 18/09/2020 Green capped SM.(...)For Green/Blue(...)01:20:34 18/09/2020 Red capped SM.03:34:12 18/09/2020 Green capped SM.(...)Additionally add another tab in Guilds called "WvW" in which leaders could put players accounts on either white or black list, these lists would allow to use tactics(if xyz is on white list and guild did/didn't check "Public Activation" that player can use tactics in objective) or forbid from using them(if abc is on black list the player can't use any tactics even if it's "Public Activation" allowed). These lists ofc would only apply to objective that are controlled by your guild.

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@"Menzo.2185" said:WHY NOT? Show us who pull tactics last time. Let us avoid the trolls or at least know who they are.


whats gonna change? if i pull tactics i couldnt give a damn what whole server thinks of me..yes i dont pull em for fun of it but still if i would then i still couldnt care.. aslong the system is public ull have this stuff.

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