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What stats should I use for my Chrono?


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So, to say first, this is the build I enjoy. I'm not looking to compete in PVP or extreme raiding. I'll definitely take some feedback on the Wells I've chosen if someone has some solid feedback. What I'm really hoping for, what kind of stats, runes, and Sigils should I be looking for on my Chrono? I may have a crappy build, but I'd like to at least make it as good as possible.

Gameplay wise, I mostly stick with Greatsword. Shattering illusions before I create more. I'll switch to Sword/Pistol during GS cooldown and shoot the pistol a bit (Seriously hope we get dual pistol at some point), but I'll switch back the moment the switch cooldown is done basically. And the reason for the clone spawning signet, I feel busy enough with all my other stuff, that this passive felt solid enough, and my whole build is around spawning illusions/clones.


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My best advice to you is to leave alacrity to the renegades. Because you aren't running shield or the seize the moment trait, this is more or less a damage build.

For that sort of setup I'd probably run berserker stats with pack runes or mix berserker + assassin's in with scholar runes.

I'd run Phantasmal Disenchanter instead of well of calamity. The PvE cooldown is the same but has higher damage. Pistol is sort of an odd choice over focus as well.

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@Infusion.7149 said:My best advice to you is to leave alacrity to the renegades. Because you aren't running shield or the seize the moment trait, this is more or less a damage build.

For that sort of setup I'd probably run berserker stats with pack runes or mix berserker + assassin's in with scholar runes.

I'd run Phantasmal Disenchanter instead of well of calamity. The PvE cooldown is the same but has higher damage. Pistol is sort of an odd choice over focus as well.

Pistol is literally just because I like the magic missile shot, and the followup on the Illusion. That's it /shrug. Thanks for the input

@Laila Lightness.8742 Awesome thanks

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I run a similar build, and similarly not for fractals etc., usually teaming up with 1-3 others doing OW stuff. I use Marauder armor + Diviner trinkets. Ogre runes, for the extra distraction of the Rock Dog plus the damage bonus. Used Pack previously.

Sigils of Blood + Concentration on the greatsword. Off-hands don't matter much, camping in GS mostly.

I've tried different combinations of wells and signets, and right now use the healing signet, illusions, inspiration, and wells Calamity and Gravity.

Maybe go Scepter + Pistol for the off-hand? Scepter gives a block + that channeled skill does good damage.

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@"Fractured.3928" said:So, to say first, this is the build I enjoy. I'm not looking to compete in PVP or extreme raiding. I'll definitely take some feedback on the Wells I've chosen if someone has some solid feedback. What I'm really hoping for, what kind of stats, runes, and Sigils should I be looking for on my Chrono? I may have a crappy build, but I'd like to at least make it as good as possible.

Gameplay wise, I mostly stick with Greatsword. Shattering illusions before I create more. I'll switch to Sword/Pistol during GS cooldown and shoot the pistol a bit (Seriously hope we get dual pistol at some point), but I'll switch back the moment the switch cooldown is done basically. And the reason for the clone spawning signet, I feel busy enough with all my other stuff, that this passive felt solid enough, and my whole build is around spawning illusions/clones.


pick phantasmal defender and disenchanter over the wells

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@Fractured.3928 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Thanks. I had hoped for a better answer :)

I hope it gets fixed. It has some really awesome abilities.

It seems to me to be more of a condition type of weapon and/or one that spreads boons to allies and thus it does not do much damage. Perhaps that is by design for some semblance of balance to the skills (1-5) associated with the staff? I was just looking here to see if I'm reading those damage numbers right.

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Just forgo the wells and run a full Phantasm build.Also I would personally rather run Danger Time than Reversion because it's not really a Shatter build.

The bonus from Danger Time will easily allow yu to hit crit cap with just Zerker stat armor and yur clones (aka yur Phantasms that perform the attacks as well) will also benefit from Danger Time.

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@Infusion.7149 said:Staff was nerfed due to PVP if I remember correctly.Basically all the damage is condition from clones, there's some power damage on the phantasmal Warlock but now that it pops into a clone it's not that useful.

Thanks. This pretty much confirms what I had been seeing. Good to know that it wasn't just me. Seems that in order to have any effectiveness at all with staff, I have to continually create and shatter clones. For solo OWPvE this is do-able, but not too efficient for me.

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