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Do you prefer 2v2 / 3v3 or conquest?


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From what I've gathered from my personal social bubble, opinions towards 2v2 and 3v3 have been very mixed when directly compared to conquest.While I also have my personal preferences, opinions and reasoning, I'd like to get a broader picture on the general community stance?What do you prefer? And why?

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They are both crap in their own way at this point. 2v2 / 3v3 are mostly comp wars that favour bunker shit and a few mechanics that can game the overtime feature (barrier), but the conquest meta is converging towards bunker aswell and on top of it you have to deal with rng matchmaking, leading towards games being decided by which team has the bigger feeders. LB is a meme in both modes aswell at this point, so I guess indifferent it is.

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There are way too many votes for conquest. 2v2 and 3v3 is a lot ezier to get good at and less cringe to play over the long term since #1- you get to make your own team #2 - it’s ezier for your team to stay consistent.If you wanna get good death match is the place to do it, less win trading and more balanced matches

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I didn't see a reason to play much more than a handful of games during the first 2v2 season so I don't have much of an opinion. The extra content is appreciated, and I agree they shouldn't stop there.

Would love to see SoloQ get its own separate queue and LB for each season/mini-season. That's like 2x the content with every season since SoloQ is a totally different ball game while being something everyone can play whenever.

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Honestly, I prefer 2v2/3v3 to Conquest. Your own individual skill matters a LOT more in these smaller fights, and it's easier to watch for crucial enemy skills/interrupts than in large melees with lots of particle effects going off. Conquest has its merits, but I find that 5v5 has a higher chance of steamroll fights where just one or two good players who can quickly win individual fights can move swiftly between points to create a snowball effect that leaves the enemy team little chance of recovery.

Also, it's not part of the poll, but I agree with Multi above that SoloQ and TeamQ really need to be split from each other. The experience between the two is like night and day.

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Maps are too small in 2v2 3v3 for thief / mes / ranger <- these classes get benched during 2v2 3v3 seasons.

And then you have the problem where flavor of the month patching just wins and wins and wins and wins in 2v2 and 3v3 as well. If a certain support is OP and certain other team fight presence happens to be kind of OP, then those 2 classes end up lording over the 2v2s and 3v3s in ways that they cannot be outplayed. Again, the maps are too small to configure wiser types of approaches or disengage routes from the current top 2 or 3 team fight presences.

2v2 and 3v3 has some real balance issues.

Conquest in all of its worn out old glory, is by far the better game mode for every reason.

I would on the other hand like to see a 1v1 mini season, as thief / mes / ranger could actually compete in 1v1s. Those little arenas are strangely balanced for 1v1 actually.

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Conquest is cool, more diverse in the game mode itself, you have small fights, big fights, you need to do quick decisions of rotating, where when and why.Death match is not that bad and for some rounds not to bad but overall less attractive than conquest.It's fine how they handle it now, but I wish more of the "special" at's

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2v2 off season, 3v3 replaces 5v5 main season

my reasons for ditching 5v5

  • 5v5 takes WAY too long to queue, not uncommon to queue up for 15min+; not the average queue time is 2-3min is a lie, the queue timer should show what the maximum queue time instead
  • 3v3 ratings are more reflective of the actual pvp skill
  • above two points plus small teams = much better quality matches in 3v3
  • 3v3 games finishes up much faster = more time pvp than just standing around queuing
  • 5v5 have way too much dependency on people who actually play the map objective properly rather than dueling in open field
  • and finally, it can take forever to get dailies done, first night of rank, took 3 hours just to get a win for the daily thanks to the horrible matchups, 5 games were with throwers
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Game is balanced around conquest , and has only a limited time arena (everyone loves limited time content hurr) and they both suck but if I had to choose it would easily be conquest. I don't even play the game when season is inactive especially since I would be a clown to bring my class in arena, and you couldn't pay me enough to play unranked.

If only we had battlegrounds like every other game

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@crepuscular.9047 said:2v2 off season, 3v3 replaces 5v5 main season

my reasons for ditching 5v5

  • 5v5 takes WAY too long to queue, not uncommon to queue up for 15min+; not the average queue time is 2-3min is a lie, the queue timer should show what the maximum queue time instead
  • 3v3 ratings are more reflective of the actual pvp skill
  • above two points plus small teams = much better quality matches in 3v3
  • 3v3 games finishes up much faster = more time pvp than just standing around queuing
  • 5v5 have way too much dependency on people who actually play the map objective properly rather than dueling in open field
  • and finally, it can take forever to get dailies done, first night of rank, took 3 hours just to get a win for the daily thanks to the horrible matchups, 5 games were with throwers

2v2s and 3v3s also can commonly take 10-15. In the end high q times are from having a high average rating as compared to other ppl Qing. To note it’s also insanely ez to get to insanely high rating in 2s and 3s so it’s possibly ezier to achieve a super high q time in some cases-as long as there’s not as many other high rated players on at the time

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I'm fine with deathmatch mini season replacing off-season though. Although, I'd love it if they could come up with some fun competitive alternative pvp modes. Capture the flag like in wow would be fun. 5v5 capture the flag. Flag carrier has no strange restrictions, but you can't cap the flag unless your team has it's flag back.

I had a lot of hope for Stronghold as a dota type gamemode, but it was way too tedious. (Buying creepes I mean) I hope they try something new soon.

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I've enjoyed some casual 2v2/3v3 fun but if conquest would ever get full team queue for ranked I'd go all in for it.. I currently don't have any friends to play full team queue with yet but I'd be eager to join a pvp guild and stuff.. but for now conquest remains a clown fiesta so I won't be nearly as active as I used to.. Maybe I'll even tank down my rank to silver or something so I can faceroll my league rewards because that's probably the only reason why you'd do conquest at all at this point?

I'd love to see stronghold become viable but I think Anet will never put the effort into reworking the mess that it currently is..

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