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Warrior is Terrible still


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@Hot Boy.7138 said:idk man, that triple arc divider hitting me for 7k each in a second in my combat log says otherwise. i'm not saying warrior is without issues, but it's def not the worst.

Getting hit by more than 1 arc divider...Big oof, ppl like you are the reason warrior got nerfed so much that the class is no threat in higher level of play, because ppl know how to dodge.

In low level you can stomp with any class.

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@RedShark.9548 said:

@Hot Boy.7138 said:idk man, that triple arc divider hitting me for 7k each in a second in my combat log says otherwise. i'm not saying warrior is without issues, but it's def not the worst.

Getting hit by more than 1 arc divider...Big oof, ppl like you are the reason warrior got nerfed so much that the class is no threat in higher level of play, because ppl know how to dodge.

In low level you can stomp with any class.

The amount of noobs I slay with Headbutt->Arc Divider in WvW saddens me because I realize that bad players get warrior nerfed. Meanwhile Sic'em Rapid Fire Soulbeast, Burn DH, Nade Holo, and Power Rev are more of a cancer and get barely touched.

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@felix.2386 said:

@"Hot Boy.7138" said:idk man, that triple arc divider hitting me for 7k each in a second in my combat log says otherwise. i'm not saying warrior is without issues, but it's def not the worst.

idk how you even get hit by that to begin with, you know this game has dodge action key right?

That and I call "kitten excrements" for 21k (total) damage arc divider.

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it's not really bad players getting warrior nerfed, it's how anet refused to give warrior high skill ceiling high potential skills to warrior.so end up with simple skills that only hit noobs.

like giving warrior high skill ceiling/high skill floor skill, first it would make warrior pvp viable, second it would shut all the noobs up.yet they refuse to do so. instead they like to make the skills as simple as possible while buffing pure numbers and passives

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@felix.2386 said:it's not really bad players getting warrior nerfed, it's how anet refused to give warrior high skill ceiling high potential skills to warrior.so end up with simple skills that only hit noobs.

like giving warrior high skill ceiling/high skill floor skill, first it would make warrior pvp viable, second it would shut all the noobs up.yet they refuse to do so. instead they like to make the skills as simple as possible while buffing pure numbers and passives

This requires effort and apperantly instead of continuing support and developement on the game as a whole to retain and entice new players to continue playing the game by balancing content and fixing broken traits and bugged skills they'd rather lose half their playerbase through gbage ongoing support and developement of what they've already created to focus on bring the expac out sooner....to what save the game and its low population?, if u devs were competant u woulda realized it would have been far better to release the expac a bit later by deviding ur resourses so the content uve already created could get proper support and maybe the expac wouldnt have had to have been ur only chance at bringing a healthy population back to the game.

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@"gmmg.9210" said:Just a reminder that Warrior is still the worst class in PvP. Let ANET ban me idc, it has to be said. Been getting nerfed for almost a decade and it needs to end.

Eh, warrior really isn't that bad honestly. Sure, Healing Signet needs a buff, some of the old 300s traits need to be reworked still (pure laziness on Anet's part...), and a few weapons skills need touching up, but a good warrior can still compete at any level of PvP. Its more the fact that a few classes are still slightly over-performing even though last patch did help address that. If you really think warrior is "terrible" you may need to spend some more time practicing with the class. I've made posts before talking about how Anet refuses to address warrior's problems and they just get deleted - as will this post most likely. Anet either knows about warrior's problems and refuses to fix them or is so out of touch they aren't even aware they exist; I'm not sure which is scarier.

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@Girth.9731 said:

@"gmmg.9210" said:Just a reminder that Warrior is still the worst class in PvP. Let ANET ban me idc, it has to be said. Been getting nerfed for almost a decade and it needs to end.

Eh, warrior really isn't
bad honestly. Sure, Healing Signet needs a buff, some of the old 300s traits need to be reworked still (pure laziness on Anet's part...), and a few weapons skills need touching up, but a good warrior can still compete at any level of PvP. Its more the fact that a few classes are still slightly over-performing even though last patch did help address that. If you really think warrior is "terrible" you may need to spend some more time practicing with the class. I've made posts before talking about how Anet refuses to address warrior's problems and they just get deleted - as will this post most likely. Anet either knows about warrior's problems and refuses to fix them or is so out of touch they aren't even aware they exist; I'm not sure which is scarier.

"but a good warrior can still compete at any level of PvP"That means absolutely nothing. Being able to do something doesn't mean that it's fun or fair (ie: to play super tryhard mode warrior to have any chance of winning while others, with certain classes, will perform better while facerolling on their KB).

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@RedShark.9548 said:

@Hot Boy.7138 said:idk man, that triple arc divider hitting me for 7k each in a second in my combat log says otherwise. i'm not saying warrior is without issues, but it's def not the worst.

Getting hit by more than 1 arc divider...Big oof, ppl like you are the reason warrior got nerfed so much that the class is no threat in higher level of play, because ppl know how to dodge.

In low level you can stomp with any class.

wish i had a dodge at the ready, but endurance don't just recharge because I want it to. Thanks for the tip tho.

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@ArielRebel.3426 said:

@"Hot Boy.7138" said:idk man, that triple arc divider hitting me for 7k each in a second in my combat log says otherwise. i'm not saying warrior is without issues, but it's def not the worst.

idk how you even get hit by that to begin with, you know this game has dodge action key right?

That and I call "kitten excrements" for 21k (total) damage arc divider.

Not the instance I'm referring to, but I think this also drives the point home.Imgur

I struggled with embedding the images in these forums.

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@Hot Boy.7138 said:

@Hot Boy.7138 said:idk man, that triple arc divider hitting me for 7k each in a second in my combat log says otherwise. i'm not saying warrior is without issues, but it's def not the worst.

Getting hit by more than 1 arc divider...Big oof, ppl like you are the reason warrior got nerfed so much that the class is no threat in higher level of play, because ppl know how to dodge.

In low level you can stomp with any class.

wish i had a dodge at the ready, but endurance don't just recharge because I want it to. Thanks for the tip tho.

have you been using those endurance to dodge air?

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Yes, good warrior can compete at any level of PvP, but it's hard af and still not fair agains noobfriendly classes like pew pew ranger, condispaming revenant or annoying necros.. Why am I able to kill one of the best warriors for example Vaanss with necro that easy ? I played necro for like 1 hour before a joined ranked and got plat 2 almost 3. I play warrior for 4 years and got max. plat 1 thats the point. Warrior is weak af...

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@Tharan.9085 said:Ah yes, support warrior is so weak and definetly not metaOu no they missed one warrior build for niche AT organized play, that is probably subpar for normal play where the most people who play the game for fun are.Like really core,Hot, PoF and warrior gets one working build that is support and that on top of that for ATs, not a single good bruiser build that is not outshined by everything else. I know you are a DH main and bitch moaned allot when DH wasn't working, let the warrior mains bitch whine about not having a fighty build on their damn forum space.Benched berserker main for 3 years or more.

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@Vancho.8750 said:

@Tharan.9085 said:Ah yes, support warrior is so weak and definetly not metaOu no they missed one warrior build for niche AT organized play, that is probably subpar for normal play where the most people who play the game for fun are.Like really core,Hot, PoF and warrior gets one working build that is support and that on top of that for ATs, not a single good bruiser build that is not outshined by everything else. I know you are a DH main and kitten moaned allot when DH wasn't working, let the warrior mains kitten whine about not having a fighty build on their kitten forum space.Benched berserker main for 3 years or more.

I never cried about DH not working btw, I always play meditrapper, get your facts straight

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@Tharan.9085 said:

@Tharan.9085 said:Ah yes, support warrior is so weak and definetly not metaOu no they missed one warrior build for niche AT organized play, that is probably subpar for normal play where the most people who play the game for fun are.Like really core,Hot, PoF and warrior gets one working build that is support and that on top of that for ATs, not a single good bruiser build that is not outshined by everything else. I know you are a DH main and kitten moaned allot when DH wasn't working, let the warrior mains kitten whine about not having a fighty build on their kitten forum space.Benched berserker main for 3 years or more.

I never cried about DH not working btw, I always play meditrapper, get your facts straightFactually incorrect, we were in guild and you have bitch moaned allot about it, most of the time when Spellbreaker was still the de facto duelist.
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@Hot Boy.7138 said:

@Hot Boy.7138 said:idk man, that triple arc divider hitting me for 7k each in a second in my combat log says otherwise. i'm not saying warrior is without issues, but it's def not the worst.

idk how you even get hit by that to begin with, you know this game has dodge action key right?

That and I call "kitten excrements" for 21k (total) damage arc divider.

Not the instance I'm referring to, but I think this also drives the point home.

I struggled with embedding the images in these forums.

That's 19k damage over 3 instances that at least 2 are dodged from a single roll. That aside, he must have been fully might stacked and most likely had the trait that gives might +10 power per stack (so he had +1000 power from might if he had all 25 stacks) and/or you were glass cannon with vulnerability stacks. I cannot believe that was a regular instance of arc divider.

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