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Completing 3 Editions of Mad Memoires Back Items (Video Guide)


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Here's to help all those who are still hunting their Mad Memoires back items, especially those who almost went mad on the Mad King's Clock Tower JP like me.No wonder it's called Complete Ignition.

  1. Mad Memoires (Mad Mysteries) - Start your Halloween journey by talking to Magister Tassi in Grand Piazza of Lion's Arch stationed near the Mad King's Chest and get the Candy-Powered Matter Meter. It is where Mad King Says event occurs. Use Candy-Powered Matter Meter to detect the ghost Serene nearby and unlock the "Mad Memoires I: Boyhood", see the guide for more.

  1. Mad Memoires: Complete Edition (Mad Mementos) - Upon completing the first Mad Memoires, continue the scavenger hunt and know the story of Mad King Thorn. Port to Ascalon Settlement waypoint in Gendarran Fields and go up the hill where the tombs lay. Use your Candy-Powered Matter Meter to talk to the ghost Cashel after the event, see the guide for the more.

  1. Mad Memoires: Complete Ignition (Mad Memorial) - After gaining the Complete Edition, get ready to gain tons of achievements in pursuit of the Complete Ignition version. Go to Mystic Forge in Lion's Arch where Lunatic Noble Acreni is, consume 150 candy corns and unlock the Mad Memoires XIII: Apocrypha. Having a hard time getting the jumping puzzle done? No worries, there are other ways, use LFG and join a squad to farm the Halloween loot bags, see the guide how and for more.

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