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imo both Scourges and Power Staff Guardians have gotten nerfed a lot harder than Hammer Rev (with the shade target reduction a few months ago, and the Staff damage shave last week, respectively). The recent damage nerf makes a single uncoordinated Phase Smash a lot less powerful but you're still pretty much the best ranged burst build for zergs.

The Guardian Holy Strike build is pretty fun and easy, though, even in its current nerfed form, so if you're just looking for a change of pace, by all means give it a try.

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@LordTemujin.5498 said:My feeling with the latest patch and the constant nerfing of and especially CoR. is that the revenant is slowly but surely dropping away of the meta ... replaced by Dps guardian or simply more scourges/reapers?. ? I wonder...i am in need of your advices and comments on this.

I assume that you're talking abut WvW, because hammer has been crap at every other game mode for at least year and half. Yes, is now even more blatant and I wouldn't use Rev's hammer in a zerg (or even Rev as a class for long range damage). They should redo the weapon into a mele bunker thing related to Jalis, imo. But ANet doesn't support WvW and neither reads the forums so we are talking here about if a tree makes noise in the woods if falls with no one around... Thankfully I didn't craft The Colossus or Sharur.... lol, imagine the feelings!

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@Virdo.1540 said:the dmg nerf on hammer wasnt that huge. But its indeed destroyed due to bugs

Is not the damage, neither the bugs, but the mechanics: CoR followed a target and did it well; they could just shave damage, increase cooldowns, etc. Instead, they changed the nature of the attack, so now it doesn't follow anything, is cancelled if you cast it while strafing or moving backwards or if you move the character more than 30-35º beyong the initial path of the animation... If just garbage in a weapon which was always very bad at dps in PvE, useless in PvP and also lost the quickness provided by Impossible Odds, loang time ago. Is also bugged like hell, because (as can be easily checked with the loadout fiasco for the Revenant class) the way in which the legend skills and the animations are coded in the Rev is different from the other 8 classes, and the main designer of the Revenant leaved the ship years ago.

They should redo entirely the weapon (they already botchered the staff so badly that the shield now seems almost decent and is oftenly used, even in PvP):. Also, and talking about PvP: the short bow is finally not only viable but meta, something that the hammer never achieved.

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