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Tactivator Terrorism


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Dear Anet,

I have seen the misuse of tactivators in wvw grow out of proportion in the latest match ups. I am not talking about the occasional player who pulls one tactivator, cause he or she has no idea what they do. Instead I talk about players who purposely go arround the map to pull every tactivator in every structure, just to troll an entire server. In some of these occasions these acts of malice were even combined with attacks of enemy servers, where the tactivators in a keep are all pulled and 5 minutes later an enemy server conveniently shows up and takes the structure, and then move on to the next objective where the same has happened.

This sort of thing is usually done by those who play on other servers on their mainaccounts, but want to disrupt opposing servers on their alternate (free) accounts. In some occasions players even admitted playing on other servers and doing it on purpose.

I kindly request if you could consider any changes that can be made to avoid this frustration, or atleast implement a way for us to report this kind of behaviour in the current reporting system.

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@szshou.2193 said:There already is a way to avoid it, uncheck public tactic activation, then only the guild that claimed it can pull them.

In a way that is too limiting though, say if a 8-man guild claims a garrison. There would almost never be somebody arround to pull those tactivators when they are needed.

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@northlion.7608 said:

@szshou.2193 said:There already is a way to avoid it, uncheck public tactic activation, then only the guild that claimed it can pull them.

In a way that is too limiting though, say if a 8-man guild claims a garrison. There would almost never be somebody arround to pull those tactivators when they are needed.

Then ask in map chat for another, larger guild to claim it, coordinate in PMs.

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@Blodeuyn.2751 said:Watch your tactics. If they’re pulled unnecessarily, prepare for incoming battle. Don’t wait for enemies to show up. In an unintentional way, the trolls are giving you a headsup, so have your scouts take advantage of that.

Well, they really aren't giving you a heads up. I'm on TC, you know, the server in 12th place of 12. I have like 4 people on my list to see when they log in, cause they just log in, pull every tactivator they can, and log out. They do it roughly same time every day, and it is almost never (less that 5%) a precursor to an attack. They are just trolling.One of the douches, just logs in, only runs around pulling tacs for banners, picks them up and drops them, and goes to the next tower/keep.

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@Ubi.4136 said:

@Blodeuyn.2751 said:Watch your tactics. If they’re pulled unnecessarily, prepare for incoming battle. Don’t wait for enemies to show up. In an unintentional way, the trolls are giving you a headsup, so have your scouts take advantage of that.

Well, they really aren't giving you a heads up. I'm on TC, you know, the server in 12th place of 12. I have like 4 people on my list to see when they log in, cause they just log in, pull every tactivator they can, and log out. They do it roughly same time every day, and it is almost never (less that 5%) a precursor to an attack. They are just trolling.One of the douches, just logs in, only runs around pulling tacs for banners, picks them up and drops them, and goes to the next tower/keep.

On the one hand, uncool.

On the other hand, how does anyone have that much time to waste?

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It would also be super awesome and much appreciated if Anet created a buffer zone which prevents enemies (or enemies disguised as allies) from throwing siege, food items, etc. on top of and/or near the tactivators. Some may find this behavior hilarious and also employ this unsportsmanlike strategy themselves, but it's not the least bit funny. It's called being a troll -- plain and simple. I mean, who really needs 10 flame ram build sites and 20 baskets of saffron bread anyway? ;)

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One day i talked with other people about this and someone said that those people, who on purpose pull the tactivators. They get paid by the opposing server for doing that. I think it is quite pathetic that you need to pay someone in game gold so you can cap one garrison or something. (Are they really so desperate of capping that one building?) I guess that there is nothing we can do about this.

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There is a condition on Supply Drop to prevent it from being pulled if the structure is currently full. I suggest adding a condition to Emergency Waypoint, Invuln Fortifications, Chilling Fog to prevent them from being pulled on uncontested structures. It is not a fix for all trolling, but will greatly reduce it.

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Perhaps another deterrent would be to post in map chat the name person that pulls the tactivator (eg. John Doe activated the emergency waypoint). If it is an unwarranted, troll action, people in the map can report the person. If the same person/guild keeps pulling the tact, its even more ammunition with log trail for Anet to take action.

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@Rampage.7145 said:This theread is a perfect example of why this game mode is dying. People care about stupid stuff like tactivators insted of actually getting good and fighting and farming bads. Good luck fighting the tactivator ISIS u shiegehumping noobs.

How does your argument relate to this thread? The EWP actually makes it possible for zergs to leave keeps and towers more. Having the EWP go to waste means they spend more time walking than fighting. I think Wvw should be more than mindless karmatraining, or more than "farming" enemies cause you outnumber them 3 to 1. All I see "good" players you refer to do is transfer to the same servers and then cry there is nothing left to fight cause they are on the same team....

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If you are outnumbered you should lose that structure in a heartbeat, all tactivators do is to unnecesary delay the inevitable, slowing down the game to a point you end up fighting a door for 2 hours to get a 15 min (if lucky) fight inside, that makes the game extremly tedious and boring. All Doors should be paper all tactivatorus should be removed, you should be able to port in the keep every 2 mins like back in the day, you should be able to banner the keep lords, only way to delay or avoid a capture of a structure should involve player vs player not siege and gimmicky tactics. People who thinks like you just ruin the game for all of us actually interested on fighting people and not doors.

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@Rampage.7145 said:If you are outnumbered you should lose that structure in a heartbeat, all tactivators do is to unnecesary delay the inevitable, slowing down the game to a point you end up fighting a door for 2 hours to get a 15 min (if lucky) fight inside, that makes the game extremly tedious and boring. All Doors should be paper all tactivatorus should be removed, you should be able to port in the keep every 2 mins like back in the day, you should be able to banner the keep lords, only way to delay or avoid a capture of a structure should involve player vs player not siege and gimmicky tactics. People who thinks like you just ruin the game for all of us actually interested on fighting people and not doors.

What you basicly are asking for a is a big empty pit where enemies spawn in every 2 min and keep killing eachother regardless of their numbers.The old wvw would never work without servers with equal population and the skillful players being spread amongst them. Which is a whole other topic.You assume I sit inside a tower behind an arrowcart all day waiting to pull tactivators for my team, which is far from the truth. I enjoy a good fight just as much as anyone else. I'm just trying to prevent people from cheating or spying, regardless if I think the current wvw is better than the old one or not...

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@northlion.7608 said:

@szshou.2193 said:There already is a way to avoid it, uncheck public tactic activation, then only the guild that claimed it can pull them.

In a way that is too limiting though, say if a 8-man guild claims a garrison. There would almost never be somebody arround to pull those tactivators when they are needed.

Only if the guild stays on the map and is unresponsive will it hurt the server. When a claiming guild leaves a map any objective, they have claimed, marked as private becomes public, has been this way since HoT Beta.

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@Rampage.7145 said:If you are outnumbered you should lose that structure in a heartbeat, all tactivators do is to unnecesary delay the inevitable, slowing down the game to a point you end up fighting a door for 2 hours to get a 15 min (if lucky) fight inside, that makes the game extremly tedious and boring. All Doors should be paper all tactivatorus should be removed, you should be able to port in the keep every 2 mins like back in the day, you should be able to banner the keep lords, only way to delay or avoid a capture of a structure should involve player vs player not siege and gimmicky tactics. People who thinks like you just ruin the game for all of us actually interested on fighting people and not doors.

Except for the fact that people are fighting doors to begin with. Those tactivators, especially emergency waypoint pull a force faster to the map. Which would mean a fight instead of pvdooring. It enables float teams to move from one fight to another without losing structures. Whether you like it or not PPT is a large part of the game. Holding and defending structures are part of that. It doesn't necessarily delay the inevitable. What it can do is delay the enemy long enough for a force to get to the point. Which if you wanted a fight wouldn't you want them to get there? Or you don't really want the fight and you just want to take the structure, ie PPT.

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I've also witnessed this Tactivator rubbish recently. It's hilarious to come here and read the PPK defence of the issue. In fact, it's extra hilarious, because the servers that seem to be most guilty of the tactivator pulling from what I've seen, are the same ones that puff themselves up with PPK pride, lel. "Like.. let's go pull tactivators and troll the enemy server when we already outnumber them 3 to 1, cos.. hur dur.. we da fight server man". Clearly, it's were half the kill points come from.. outnumber a server, cheat with tactivators, keep their force low in numbers so you can roflstomp through them (at least 3-4:1) and keep ya PPK high. What a freaking joke.Thanks for raising issue here OP. I don't know what the answer is.. you could kind of expect people to just be decent human beings and not kitten up the game for everyone.. but nope.

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tactivators themselves are such a foolish concept. they should have made upgrades activatable via the quartermaster. instead you got them right next to walls and other stuff you interact with. Look at durios and the ewp location.....you literally need to hand target the wall or you hit the ewp. also you have to own the claim to manage the upgrades....and 1 guild can own only 1 claim??????? lunacy. they dont play their own game. to work in the current system you need there to be only 7 wvws guilds (the max u can be in btw) claiming in ur corners, and u need to be in and swap through each to manage each single objective.

and if everyone does this you run into the problem of never being able to disable public tactivation.....read below.

@szshou.2193 said:There already is a way to avoid it, uncheck public tactic activation, then only the guild that claimed it can pull them.

Ummm no. On paper yes this is how its supposed to work. If you actually did what you preach you would know it unchecks itself for any number of reasons. There have been multiple postings and no fixes to date. For example if anyone in the guild not repping leaves the map it can back to public...... thats just 1 of the stupid ways it will/can change itself without players knowing.

but since the forums are now gw2 reddit worthy, Im sure it will bring out the true spirit of the majority population. so i for one will be sure to join the masses in their campaign to attack/report/downvote and conspire against anyone who isnt spewing kitten. we can only pray that they allow the reddit trolls....I mean admins, to one day police our glorious fascist state.

oh he said fascist, clearly im an antisemite......plz ban for the sake of the hypocrisy.

Unfortunately I cant downvote my own comment via this account. Guys no lie...if you try it says "you cannot REACT to your own comment" thumbing up and thumbing down is labelled a "REACT" lol....so hilarious. You could consider this the verb version of 'reaction'......so to react is to do something, anything, like clicking a button randomly. Or you can interpret it as the more meme worthy way of 'Social reaction'...so all those REACT videos out there are tribute to this.

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@Terrier.8732 said:I've also witnessed this Tactivator rubbish recently. It's hilarious to come here and read the PPK defence of the issue. In fact, it's extra hilarious, because the servers that seem to be most guilty of the tactivator pulling from what I've seen, are the same ones that puff themselves up with PPK pride, lel. "Like.. let's go pull tactivators and troll the enemy server when we already outnumber them 3 to 1, cos.. hur dur.. we da fight server man". Clearly, it's were half the kill points come from.. outnumber a server, cheat with tactivators, keep their force low in numbers so you can roflstomp through them (at least 3-4:1) and keep ya PPK high. What a freaking joke.Thanks for raising issue here OP. I don't know what the answer is.. you could kind of expect people to just be decent human beings and not kitten up the game for everyone.. but nope.

I'm from a fighting server and i've seen the perfect opposite. For me it looks like it is the servers who love pvdoor all day and night. I've seen it is those servers who hire someone to pull enemys tactivators just to get that one precious t1 tower for karma.

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