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support rev pvp build v2


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so back to the drawing board.here is the update of the build


the site didnt update the new traits.so with invocation you get 1 cleanse when you swap legends and stability or regen (jallis or ventari) and also you gain 25 nrg or you can take the other trait which give you 3.2k healing when swap to ventari or barrier and weakness in jallis.

its design in group fight but also can do nicely in side point 1v1.

versus conditions jallis has 3 cleanse, staff 2, weapon swap 3, EE 1+ (nrg) and PE 3. so you need really to know your cleanse rotation and maintain nrg well.

its very hard to cc you and has lots of heals abilities.

will it be better than firebrand support. depends how you play it. range healer its better, melee healer can do nicely with good team

your thoughts?

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