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[PvE][SEA][CD] INVM is recruiting people for a new static raid group!

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Who are we?

Invulnerable Minions [iNVM] is a small guild that calls the Crystal Desert server home. Our guild are a group of friends who decided to band up and create a place to communicate easily. We are a casual guild that jokes around, complete dailies together and help each other out.

We run guild missions weekly (Sun, 9pm [GMT+8]) and all are always welcome! There are no rep requirements and we are always happy to give advice to anyone who needs it.

Our raid team is made up of a mixture of experience. The team is looking to fill up the gaps and go on an adventure together.


2 DPS and 1 secondary Chrono for the raid group!Anyone who wants to join in our guild's shenanigans.

Raid time

Every Saturday, 8.30pm - 11.30pm (GMT +8)

Requirements for raiders

  1. Bringing a reasonable set for your role. We expect dps to be able to output damage, supports to be able to buff members and etc.
  2. The drive to improve. All of us has to start somewhere, we are willing to take the time to learn mechanics and experience the boss together. But we are also seeking members who would want to improve together.
  3. Have fun! We are all here to have a fun time. Winning, failing and just building an experience together.

Feel free to contact StrayDilettante.8671 in-game or reply to this thread :)

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