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[Old Forum] PoF TL;DR feedback/concerns


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I moved this thread from the old forums to the new forums in hopes that the developers will take issue with some of the points raised here by the community; links will be posted below...

What's new in this thread:

  • I have reformatted the entire thread to make it easier on the eyes.
  • Links are posted below.
  • I can edit this for only 4 hours, if anything should be added, let me know below. Please be constructive and not rude.


  1. Both weapons showing - Showing both weapons swaps on the character should be made a feature instead of a bug.
  2. Unidentified items - Unidentified armor is too much of a bother, should be removed or replaced so that rares/exotics/pres drop as named items and unide have white/blues/greens
  3. New Armor Issue - Armors seem lackluster and effortlessly made. Currently still remain the biggest issue of the game's future.
  4. More mount dye nodes - It appears there is only one dye node for the mounts; whilst mounts is a new concept, it would be good to see them develop further into customisation. Such as more dye nodes, armor / skin options etc...
  5. No Strafe - Someone brought up the issue that mounts cannot strafe / side step, it would be an important feature to add.
  6. Dismounting issues - Too many things dismount you whilst playing; npc talking, monsters, any interaction, certain environment issues.
  7. Mount naming - In relation to above point, this would allow more immersion for players if they can name their mounts.
  8. Mounts to sit in home instance - self explanatory, would be a nice feature.
  9. HP chunk issue - during my last playthrough of the beta demo, it appears that the yellow chunking when you hit a mob is missing which was shown in WP's video?
  10. New character select interface - Display more characters in a bigger list, we are getting increasing amounts of character slots, a new way to display them in a bigger, toggleable list would be a great asset added to guild wars 2 and would further the game.

Link to old thread:https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/gw2/PoF-TL-DR-megathread

Links:https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/gw2/Both-Weapons-in-the-same-time-feature/first#post6691027https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/gw2/NO-GOD-NO-GOD-PLEASE-NO-NO-NO-NOOOOO/page/3#post6693389 &

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:The links are cool, I guess, but you are aware that they will only be good for a few more weeks, yes?

I think if you want to preserve the threads, you have to use the Wayback Machine, or similar, or copy them over here to the new forums.

Good luck.

I don't mind the links expiring just as long as they're there - so then it can be used for reference even if the old forum does expire, plus, this thread will be irrelevant come 3 weeks time because the expansion would have been released by then.

This acts more of a demo PoF tl;dr feedback thread. I'll probably make a new one for feedback about the expansion itself rather than the demo :)

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