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Bear Stance is Bugged


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Hi all, noticed a strange bug when testing the traited bear stance.

When casting the skill, it will initially remove four conditions during its first second instead of two conditions. The last second of the skill will not remove any conditions as it should be doing. It seems the condition removal that should be happening during the last second of the skill instead takes place during the first second, or so I believe.

Untraited Bear Stance seems to be removing four conditions per second instead of two.

Bear stance appears to be removing four condis per second both traited and untraited. Traited bear stance seems to not be removing conditions at all during its extra duration.

Tested this using plaguelands. Upon casting the skill Bear Stance, it will immediately remove four conditions, and then remove four more conditions per second for the next four seconds, for a total of 20 conditions removed during this duration. When Bear Stance is traited, it removes the same amount of conditions in the same exact manner as the untraited version. Therefore, traited bear stance does not remove any extra conditions over the untraited version. Feel free to test it yourself.

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@Sandzibar.5134 said:Let me get this right (its early and i've not had my coffee yet)

Bear Stance - Untraited: X heal and 4 condi's cleared, plus 4 condi's cleared per sec, for 4 seconds = 4 + 16 =20Bear Stance - Traited: X heal and 2 condi's cleared, then NOTHING ?


You are correct in regards to the untraited version of bear stance.

The traited version of bear stance removes the exact same number of conditions as the untraited. It does not remove any extra conditions as it is supposed to.

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@Quickbuds.6950 said:The tooltip says bearstance removes 2 conditions per sec, not 4.

That is what the tooltip says. In game, however, bear stance will remove four conditions per second.

In addition, when bear stance is traited, it does not remove any additional conditions over the untraited version, therefore the traited version of bear stance, which is supposed to be stronger, is currently exactly the same as the untraited version when used on yourself.

There is also the fact that, when bear stance is used, it immediately removes four conditions. The skill does not say "Upon activation, remove four conditions, then remove x conditions per second for the next x seconds." So this immediate condition removal may or may not be intentional as well.

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I'm not saying they should not look into this, but are you about these numbers? With survival traits, you always got 4 conditions off on cast of bear stance (2 from stance and 2 from muddy terrain trigger)

Is it really removing 4 conditions/sec afterwards? I've been running with the trait since it was buffed this patch. But bear stance was definitely not doing this before the change, and I know it's only removing 2 conditions/sec with trait.

Hope this gets worked out.

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@Loboling.5293 said:I'm not saying they should not look into this, but are you about these numbers? With survival traits, you always got 4 conditions off on cast of bear stance (2 from stance and 2 from muddy terrain trigger)

Is it really removing 4 conditions/sec afterwards? I've been running with the trait since it was buffed this patch. But bear stance was definitely not doing this before the change, and I know it's only removing 2 conditions/sec with trait.

Hope this gets worked out.

It absolutely is removing four conditions on it's initial cast and four conditions every second afterwards, and that is without having the wilderness survival trait equipped. Test it yourself by standing in a necromancers plaguelands and using the skill.

The only unfortunate thing is that the buffed version of the skill does not remove any conditions during it's extra duration.

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