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Spider Improvements/Bugfixes for SBeast


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Many condi Ranger players have noticed that the poisonfield in Spider-Beastmode always overshoots the target except you aim straight on to the floor.

In addition to that i have noticed that bristleback is a fantastic Sbeast pet because of the sharpened spines skill. Sharpened spines has similar behaviour like sharpening stone or the spider F2 (outside SBM).

I have two proposals to make to improve spiders:

  1. The conservative approach: the poisonfield is now ground targeted and no major changes on spider. (This should atleast be implemented because spiders are unplayable in SBM atm)

  2. The new active skill of Spiders is now the poisonfield. It will apply conditions depending on the corresponding spider.

Forestspider: Deadly Gas Cloud:Poisonfield applies more poison per tickJunglespider/Blackwidow: Paralyzing Gas Cloud: Poisonfield applies immob per tickCave Spider: Weakening Gas Cloud: Poisonfield applies vuln and weakness per tick.

The new passive pet skill is the deadly venom skill from forestspider that applies poison on strikes.

This change could improve tge performans of spiders as a condi pet, would give ranger control over the poisonfield and a smoother F2 skill in SBM.

Any opinions are welcome.

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