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Stupid question about mount RNG

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There hasn't been enough useful data to determine it yet..... but the presumption right now is that all skins have a flat chance of rolling (ie no rarity tiers). It also ignore which Mounts you have.... so you will still get Griffon skins regardless of you having finished the collection or not.

As a side question.... does the mount skins affect "borrowed" mounts when you use them?

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@CrashTestAuto.9108 said:I think the answer is probably "No", but I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere and searching for discussions on this topic is... interesting.

Do the mounts you've unlocked affect the RNG here? For example, if you haven't unlocked the Gryffon skin are you still just as likely to get Gryffon skins from an adoption license?

Nope not from my experience I got griffon skin my griffon still locked lol Which kinda upset about it. i don't think i should get a skin for a locked mount. (i understand why it does but I just don't like the fact) i've got no current intention at getting griffon mount atleast not for the foreseeable future. I'm one of the few never jumped off that bridge and/or followed the crowd.

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