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What do you guys do when you get stuck with a team who loses fights in a 4v1 Advantage?Now what do you do when that happens to you 12 times in a row?

LEGIT SERIOUSLY, HOW HARD IS IT TO WIN IN A FIGHT WHEN YOU'RE FOUR PEOPLE AGAINST ONE PERSON?!Sorry, Rant Over, but legit, 12 teams in a row and I doubt any of them had any common sense or any character above level 3...

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I would say you would have an equal chance of being the other side of the coin. But matchmaking is getting more rng based as the population dips off. I lost a 5 v 4 bc I was qued off hours against Legendary duo que where one afked (2 seasons back). Sometimes it is not your fault when you are qued up with a team a division above you.

I mean you have that one streamer playing a nude rev in legendary to compensate for the skill gap to make it challenging for himself.

I've been on both sides of the coin. massive 10+ loss streaks, and win streaks. Maybe your time is soon?

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