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Shield Me: Equality for All


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We need more barriers!!! Everyone should feel special and they wont feel special unless they have magic protection!!!!!!. Think about it! Some crazy guy does two perfect dodges lays traps or stuns at the perfect time. does double back flips.... That's just not fair.!!!!! we have to reduce the impact of those ninja skills. We NEED the BARRIERS AND MORE OF THEM. That way we all feel special.... We all feel safe from those no good ninjas with all there fancy schmancy real time skills..

I came to GW2 to play a card game dang it and I wont let those ninjas stop me from enjoying the game.

Let me hold "a" down while I check my cat behind me

(30 seconds later)

Ok everything is fine now. Oh man so the other day I went by this arcade and saw people playing street fighter... HOW TERRIBLE people actually can get past blocks!! they can throw people.... IMAGINE BLOCK HAVING SUCH A WEAKNESS!!!!!! Its simply not Marxist enough... WE NEED EQUALITY FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!! I DEMAND THAT EVEN THE WEAKEST PLAYER FEEL SPECIAL!!!!!

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