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God Walking Amongst Mortals Title


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There's nothing inherently difficult about the title; it just takes a long, long time. If you only want to dedicate a few hours a week, I'd recommend something like:

This will earn you z-coins in addition to help you progress titles. If eligible, be sure to progress the relevant Hero's Handbook to progress faction.

It will be well over 2 months before you complete the full cycle of missions, if you don't miss a day... and you'll end up with a handful of titles. There's still quite a lot of work to go after that.

In other words, take your time. If you rush, you'll be likely to burn out quickly and probably won't finish. This is a very, very long term goal.

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I played GW1 from 2005 (release) to 2010/2011, and I am still two tracks away from that title (I focused more on the fun part, which was maxing out my Hall of Monuments, which gave me the title "Champion of the Gods"). I think I made the mistake to start two of the tracks on a different character, and since in GW1 you don't have a general account-bound progression on titles, I got stuck and never found the motivation to grind for the remaining two tracks for the title, since I already finished all the fun tracks (Hard Mode related ones and others that were fun and challenging to do).

However, due to my own experience (and the huge amount of gold required for some of the titles), I seriously doubt it can be done "in three weeks" (as suggested above). That, in my opinion, is completely unrealistic.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:However, due to my own experience (and the huge amount of gold required for some of the titles), I seriously doubt it can be done "in three weeks" (as suggested above). That, in my opinion, is completely unrealistic.

Especially with how few people are remaining on GW1 now days. Getting the plat for all the items, and even just buying the items in general is far more challenging now than it was before, not to mention the prices of a lot of the items have actually gone UP, due to people only getting on to farm HoM and titles.

The PvP title tracks will especially be difficult currently. Last I checked (a few days ago) every single GW1 PvP lobby was completely empty.

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God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals was more a recognition title for GW1 veterans, it is most definitely a long term goal, and you will burn out trying to farm it quickly.

It can be done, but I doubt you'll have much fun doing it and the title really isn't all that special at this point anyway due to how many people have it, so unless you're getting it for character thematic reasons, I don't see a reason to bother with it.

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