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Linking Directly to a Specific Post

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As pointed out below by @"Khisanth.2948" , we can already link directly to a post by right-clicking the time stamp (upper right of the post). Much easier than what I was describing. I'm leaving the post up (and my convoluted work-around) since I'm sure I'm not alone in having missed this.

! Here's a work-around to linking a specific post, the same functionality we had in the old forums by right-clicking/copying the permalink 'chain' icon.!! The format is:! https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/12345#Comment_12345!! Replace en with de, fr, en for other languages! Replace both numbers (12345 in the example) with the comment number.! For now, the only way I know to grab the comment number is to right-click/copy the link from "quote"!! ## Example! The fractal forums have a thread about the Solid Ocean Fractal, which includes a response from Benjamin Arnold about the release cadence for fractals. Here's how I would preserve that for later:! Visit the original thread! Find the statement made by @"Benjamin Arnold.3457"! Right-click the Quote icon! Paste the URL, in this case: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/post/quote/1931/Comment_128870 (notice how it does not contain the name of the original thread, just the discussion number)! Replace the post/quote/ with discussion/comment/128870# to yield https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/128870#Comment_128870!! It's not pretty, but it gets the job done until ANet adds a permalink button.

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