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Boost a Necro or an Engineer?

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Although there are many kind of PvE like Fractals, Raids, Open world, im not sure which do you refer or all of them. Right now its hard to say anything because of the new balance patch, we better wait until new the DPS benchmark released. But hardly to say both Necro and Engi not really are part of meta although you might get accepted as being an engi rather than being a necro.

But if i have to choose i will definitely go with Necro, because apart from raid necro are doing just fine even in high level fractals, capable of withstand anything head on in open world with ease it might be boring this way but atleast you will have an easy playstyle.

And if that doesn't suit you or want more challenges, go Engi.

About race, this is not important and really depend on personal taste, as for necro i will go with Salad race, glowing green, dark skin really fit the theme of necro, as for engi ima go with charr http://gw2style.com/look.php?id=8582

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@MrMojoRisin.7364 said:both of them seem to change playstyle a fair bit once i get the elite specs.

i have trial characters of both but can't really try the elite specs yet obviously

hmmmmm decisions decisions

Actually... you can check out the elites to an extent in the pvp lobby. Not much ability to run around and kill monsters with it, but... shrug

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If you plan on boosting one and then also levelling the other yourself. Then boost Engi and level the necro yourself because engi levelling is a pain compared to necro.

For pve at level cap, holo is probably the only one competitive in group content on both professions but can be fragile in open world but the bursty damage feels good. Necro just feels good on any spec in open world, and I dunno where Scourge is heading in the future.

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I second what Boulder said - I've found leveling Engi to be much more arduous than leveling necro. And if you level necro - go axe main hand, and either dagger or war horn on the off-hand - the extra range on the axe makes up for any DPS loss (if there is any) vs. dagger, IMO. As an 80 power reaper I STILL run axe/dagger.

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Go Necro. Engi is fun for a bit, but in PvE, not matter what spec you play, your build will be basically the same if you're going for something optimal. I had high expectations for Holo, yet here we are, still throwing grenades and cycling through kits just for a skill or two.

Necro gameplay, unlike Engi, actually feels different between the different specs. Also, Necros have much better survival, and Reapers provide plenty of that bursty power damage that Holo has.

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@MrMojoRisin.7364 said:For anyone following, I went necro, got about 60 or so hp’s to open up reaper and equip my greatsword. Then spent all my gold fitting her out.

... now all I feel like doing is levelling the engineer instead of playing her!

I've done this with several classes lol... It's like you've finally got everything done for that character, and now you're bored...

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