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Shared Inventory Slots on Sale

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I've got 17 shared slots and I use them for a variety of things, mostly things I either know I'll need all the time or things I find it impossible to predict when I'll need so I want instant access to them on all my characters.

First 4 slots are toys (balloon, kite, wooden pirate sword and the endless mystery quaggan tonic) because I like using them during 'down time' before/after events and other times when a bunch of people are waiting around and it's hard to predict when that will be so I like to have them with me all the time. The next 5 are the instant bank/merchant/TP and revive orbs (I never buy any of these but seem to end up with lots of them anyway) because again I never know when I'll need them. Then there's a Mystic Salvage Kit, Black Lion Salvage Kit if I have one and the Lily of the Elon pass.

Then it gets a bit more random. If I remember correctly I've currently got Verdant Brink/Auric Basin/Tangled Depths reward potions, Silverwaste Shovels and 1 slot which is currently used to share a logging axe between characters (I have too many pickaxes and sickles to use up so I'm not sharing the infinite ones yet).

For a long time I had this weird hang-up where I didn't want to put anything into a shared slot unless I was sure it was the best possible use for it. I kept having to remind myself it wasn't a permanent decision, if I found something better I could easily swap it out. Using them for the potions and gathering tools helped me get over that because it meant I was constantly switching out the items that were in there.

Edit: When I had fewer slots my priority was the things I couldn't duplicate or split stacks of between characters and where it was hard to predict when I'd use them. I think the quaggan tonic and kite toy were actually the first things I put in there, and the Lily of the Elon pass would be a high priority if I'd had it at the time.

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I have maxed shared slots. The first row is all wvw siege. The next row is utility items, boosters, food, etc. And the last 3 slots is mistlock scroll, silver, and copper salvage kits. I also frequently use the shared slots to move items between characters, things like gathering tools. Those shared slots are some of the best things I have bought off the gem store. On sale.

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Salvage kits (copper fed, silver fed, black lion), Mystic forge conduit, permanent passes (Royal Terrace, Lily of elon, Hall of Monuments), Crystalline heart (I still need to kill deimos), 2 keys of greater nightmare, Omni-potion, Treasure hunting kits (which I never use), Ley energy matter converter, eaters, Brandstone multitool, Permanent portal provisioner, white mantle portal device.

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I currently have 3 shared slots:

  • Copperfed salvage (BIG quality of life upgrade, cannot imagine playing without it)
  • Mystic Forge Conduit (handy to not have to run to LA or any of the other forges)
  • some portal item (currently LS3 portal scrolls)

I would like to have more; not sure what I would fill them with, but I see it as one of my endgame goals to eventually have all of them unlocked.

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Besides the stuff others named in this thread you can use 3 slots to quickly switch your permanent gathering tools around. Just put the permanent ones in the shared slots and equip your character with placeholder tools. When you log in: double klick each perm tool to equip. Before you log out: double click the placeholders so the perm tools are available for your other characters again.

Also the new prototype position rewinder deserves a slot.

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Salvage tools, gathering tools, and ascended items that I can share between toons, as well as a portal book for the LS3 content fill my 16 slots (4 bought in this sale). Moving the unbreakable gathering tools from toon to toon is a pain in the ass but would be way worse if I had to keep putting them in my bank and getting them out rather than just moving them in and out of shared inventory.

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@BunjiKugashira.9754 said:Besides the stuff others named in this thread you can use 3 slots to quickly switch your permanent gathering tools around. Just put the permanent ones in the shared slots and equip your character with placeholder tools. When you log in: double klick each perm tool to equip. Before you log out: double click the placeholders so the perm tools are available for your other characters again.

Also the new prototype position rewinder deserves a slot.

Yeah, That's what i do... I only have 6 Slots atm, 3 for the tools, 1 for random stuff (usually teleport tomes or something like that), my Lilly of the Elon invite and the copper-fed Salvageomatic.I have a stack of mystic salvage and BL salvage kits in all my characters in the invisible bag i use for gear and food.

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Copper Fed Salvage O Matic

Silver Fed Salvage O Matic

Sharpening Skulls

Omnomberry Bars

Enchanted Combat Boosters

Bank Access Express

Merchant Express

Revive Orbs

Repair Canisters

Teleport to Friend

WXP Mini-Boosters*

Magic Carpet

Ley Energy Matter Converter

Karmic Converter

Spearmarshall's Plea*

Mystic Forge Conduit

Watchwork Mining Pick

Unbound Magic Logging Pulse

Lucky Dog Harvesting Tool

Invitation to Lily of the Elon*

Royal Terrace Pass

These items are temporary. I have them stored here while I'm working on specific tasks related to them.

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Maxed out and if they added more would pick up those too. WvW siege, guild and superior, 3 spots for shared gathering tools, salvage-a-matics, portal tomes, terracce passes. As I said if they expanded the number we could have would add those as well. If play just a few toons I could see them not being that usefull, if you rotate throw more than 10 just gets more and more useful especially if you are flipping across toons for WvW.

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@Biff.5312 said:Moving the unbreakable gathering tools from toon to toon is a pain in the kitten but would be way worse if I had to keep putting them in my bank and getting them out rather than just moving them in and out of shared inventory.

My guild has scribing stations in the guild hall which is convenient enough if my toon isn't closer to an on-map bank. I'm swapping around 6-7 pieces of Ascended gear anyway so it's worth it for me to just find a bank.

Back on topic:Copper-fed, Silver-fed*, LS3 Portal tome, Sandswept Isle portal, Lily of the Elon pass, Rewinder.

  • Actually a Mystic stack. I have a silver-fed salvage-o-matic but also have 3 mystic stacks to burn through before I swap that in.
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  • I use them all almost all the time. I'm a cheapskate, so I use copper, iron, etc. implements. I keep the spares of the ones I use the most in 5-6 of the shared slots.
  • I also keep a spare basic salvage kit there.
  • I have three of the "port me somewhere" items, and all three live there.
  • A copper-fed and silver-fed salvager.
  • I also have a lot of lower-level characters. I sporadically level them with tomes, so I keep a stack there, along with writs of XP things.
  • I keep all of my bank express and merchant express consumables there, so any of my toons can use them when they need to.
  • I leave a bunch of some kind of booster, food, or tool items there.
  • I keep a few free for transferring stuff between characters.

I would instantly buy 10-20 more if I could, and pay real-world money to get them ASAP when they came out. (Are you listening, ANet? :))

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