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Old and New Joko??? [spoilers]


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The old me would've drawn this out long enough for you to hear the death screams of Tyrian victims.The new me, on the other hand... Better to be sure.

Yeah I was wondering why the hell he didn't just destroy Tyria back then. And better to be sure of what?

Why did he change? I mean why does he call himself "The new me"? Did something significant happen in the Domain of the Lost or is he working for someone that gives him orders or something?

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I think this may have to do with his duel against Turai Ossa and his squabble with his "ally" Balthazar. Each time the self proclaimed god king fought in personal combat, he ended up in the mists. Now as a Lich he can leave the Mists later, but any time critical task can and will fail due to his unplanned departure to the afterlife.Just like sPvP, you want to take your targets, not camp your base waiting for the respawn timer.

Also, the single biggest obstacle to Joko's rule over Elona is back: The Sunspears are growing more powerful. Should they finally be able to take over Palawadan, then Istan would be under Sunspear control. From Istan they only need to spread the truth about Joko to undermine his rulership.

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@"Arden.7480" said:The old me would've drawn this out long enough for you to hear the death screams of Tyrian victims.The new me, on the other hand... Better to be sure.

Yeah I was wondering why the hell he didn't just destroy Tyria back then. And better to be sure of what?Better to be sure that the Commander is actually dead, rather than let him live and risk him interfering with his plans. That's an easy one.Why did he change? I mean why does he call himself "The new me"? Did something significant happen in the Domain of the Lost or is he working for someone that gives him orders or something?We don't know why, but it's probably related to him getting locked in the Domain of the Lost for months.The "new me" probably means that he's changed. Hopefully it's not another Lazarus case where someone is posing as the Scourge of Vabbi.The real Joko would never work FOR anyone. He worked with the Sunspears back during Nightfall as it let him get back The Bone Palace, and he worked with Balthazar presumably because he'd get something out of it. Remember that he has double-crossed everyone he works with, too, unless he gets double-crossed first.

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