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New body Type of Atholma charrs

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HI, just curious, i found there are these really skinny charr running around atholma (the shirtless ones), so i was wondering, can we have their body type option? or, can we have the correction you did to the hips on the skinny body we already have, i mean, if you use skinny charrs, the pant's looks really weird on them, but in this atholma charrs they look allright

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@"Alga.6498"for a moment yoy make me doubt, and i started investigating a bit just to make sure , and, no, i tried the combination , it's not the same type of body, i took few screenshots to show it, a friend had a charr with the skinniest body from character creation, and he transmuted the pants to use the same skins, and you can see the diference on the hips and pelvisleft pic is the npc body, right is the character creation optionhttps://imgur.com/Td1Z456

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@The Lag.9742 said:@"Alga.6498" : if you find it please let me know i will apreciate it(still, there are only 2 skinny charr bodies), but don't worry that much for the face, i know already wich one is it, is one that you can chose on the total make over kit

Yeah I just checked by creation a Charr character and I checked the make-over kit aswell and the closest I got was like your friend did,ugUg4qG.jpgSeems like the closest body type you can get is the skinniest that you already found I am afraid. :(

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