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Legendary Armor Skins and the PvE/ sPvP&WvW split


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First off, I like how different modes (sPvP, WvW, and PvE etc) have different legendary skins unique to them. I especially like how the legendary back packs are done- each gamemode has a way to earn a legendary backpack, and each has a unique skin.

In the case of Legendary Armor Skins though, sPvP and WvW players get shafted. Fortunately, like the backpacks, Legendary Armor can be earned through each major gamemode. Unfortunately, for some reason, Anet decided that only PvE gets the unique Legendary Armor Skins and sPvP and WvW get... reused exotic/ascended skins?

I feel what should have happened is that sPvP and WvW each get their own unique Legendary Armor skins, but understandably that would take a lot of work (especially when Anet needs as many employees possible making gemstore outfits and mount skins /s). However, since Anet decided not to make a unique Legendary Armor for each gamemode (like they did for the backpacks), the least they could have done was just make each gamemode get the Legendary Skin along with the armor.

For some reason instead though, sPvP and WvW Legendary Armor get nothing. Anet literally spent more effort by taking away half the reward for getting Legendary Armor (the skins) instead of simply leaving the skin tied to the armor. Even worse, the "Legendary" armor just has the base ascended or even exotic armor skin for sPvP and WvW. Legendary Armor with kitten exotic armor skins.

Anet, how can you not see that this is a slap in the face to sPvP and WvW players? If the company is too busy to make unique armor skins like the backpacks for each game mode, then fine. Do the reasonable thing and let all Legendary Armor have the Legendary Skin instead of reusing kitten exotic skins for Legendary Armor. How do you justify shafting part of your core playerbase when sPvP and WvW have earned the Legendary Armor fair and square as well?

This is really disappointing coming from the same company that I appreciated so much during Guild War 1's lifetime. Hopefully someone at Anet reads this and has the least bit of empathy for the amount of effort and hours that WvW and sPvP players put in to get legendary armor, and how much those players love this game.

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Personally i don’t even like the legendary armor skin, transformation is interseting but the design of the actual armor is out of my taste. Even if wvw and pvp armor now unlock the RAID legendary armor, i may only make use of glove of boot, or non.

But the as a non Raider, wvwer mostly. I felt like the legendary armor treatment is awful. Its like pvper/wvwer are the 2nd/3rd class passengers on Titanic, when the ship goes down we get locked at ship bottom.

Look at wardrobe, count how many good designed weapon skin are RAID exclusive? What do pvper/wvwer get? Obsidian weapon...

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@"Xolas.9781" said:In the case of Legendary Armor Skins though, sPvP and WvW players get shafted.

As mentioned before, leg armor was initially not intended to be available outside of raids, and there was a ANet dev post stating that it was only agreed on the grounds that raids had that exclusive skin stay as raid only. When they introduced it, I was more than happy to compromise on the aesthetics just to have the additional "route of acquisition".PvP/WvW skins are arguably "unique" in their own sense since they cannot be acquired outside of their own mode.Bearing in mind it took many months to design and implement the Perfected Envoy armor, we are unlikely to see another project like this.I agree it would be nice to have some difference between ascended and leg PvP/WvW skins, considering devs were able to create the "controversial" obsidian weapons it's not unthinkable that they would be able to make a new armor set (with no additional mechanics like Envoy).

@Hyper Cutter.9376 said:At least you get legendary armor, non-raid PVE doesn't!

Here we go again, requests for easymode leg armor. Consider this - legendary armor = endgame reward, therefore it makes sense that it come from arguably the most challenging content.

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@Tails.9372 said:

@MarshallLaw.9260 said:Here we go again, requests for easymode leg armor. Consider this - legendary armor = endgame reward, therefore it makes sense that it come from arguably the most challenging content.You mean like killing veteran creatures in WvW? Very challenging indeed.

It's difficult to compare how easy or difficult WvW vs PvP vs PvE especially for different players. Some might find raiding more straightforward than arena therefore difficulty is subjective. I was just referring to PvE content where we can probably agree that OW and low level fractals are less challenging than raids. Arguably, rewards are also not identical (animated skins vs static), which was the topic of this discussion.

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(Spoiler: super lame attempt at humor below)

Maybe they need a "fashion" track for Legendary Armor? I don't care about the stats, so I'd salvage it for a couple ecto (I enjoy ecto gambling) or just throw it away if it's worthless after being unlocked. But I do want to complete my armor skin collection someday! I mean why should I have to fight things to look good, when you don't have to look good to fight things? This ain't right.

Also, it's weird that raid/PvP/WvW enthusiasts suddenly care about having exclusive wardrobes. I think you like the exclusive part more than the wardrobe part, because I've seen the things most of you people put together and it definitely isn't in the fashion meta! Yeah, you. I've seen your mismatched common dyes and noob skins and you're killing our pretty-per-second. If I see Stone/Jalapeno chainmail again you're getting kicked.

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They should make them have different details or dye channels. So getting every one of them can become a goal for people, without the need to make a whole new design for WvW and PvP.I don't participate actively in Raids, PvP or WvW, so I know I'll never get a Legendary Armor, and I think it is OK. But giving WvW and PvP players "second rate" legendary armor is not good, IMO.

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The "not intended to be available outside of raids" viewpoint is garbage. All that does is further abandon their sPvP and WvW playerbase (You know, 2 of the 3 gamemodes advertised before launch). sPvP and WvW earn their legendary armor fair and square. The sad part is that Anet calls it legendary armor, and still requires the 200+ gold per part, but it's an exotic skin.

Easy mode? Do people really think spamming pve rotations in raids is difficult? Half of being good at raids is practicing on a kitten immobile dps golem, and the other halfis not being terrible at looking at your screen for mechanics. Oh, and remember when pve kittens had to do WvW for map completion for legendaries but cried about it? All raiders have to do is play one day a week on reset. One kitten day a week, and they say it isn't easymode and only they deserve the armor. Or even worse, pve players can just buy their raid runs. That is easy mode.

If "difficulty" is too subjective, how about the number of hours required? Getting max tickets a week in WvW is literally a part time job. Not to mention the 2000 WvW rank required. Raiding against brainless npc's is still easymode.

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@Hyper Cutter.9376 said:At least you get legendary armor, non-raid PVE doesn't!

If you want the skin so bad (and not the functionality, which is what people in the PVP modes said they wanted), you have to raid, that's the entire point of it.

This, As a roamer I don't really care for the legendary skins and I'm super happy we get legendary gear in the first place.

But those obsidian weapons though.That is a slap in the face

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@"Xolas.9781" said:The "not intended to be available outside of raids" viewpoint is garbage. All that does is further abandon their sPvP and WvW playerbase (You know, 2 of the 3 gamemodes advertised before launch). sPvP and WvW earn their legendary armor fair and square. The sad part is that Anet calls it legendary armor, and still requires the 200+ gold per part, but it's an exotic skin.

Easy mode? Do people really think spamming pve rotations in raids is difficult? Half of being good at raids is practicing on a kitten immobile dps golem, and the other halfis not being terrible at looking at your screen for mechanics. Oh, and remember when pve kittens had to do WvW for map completion for legendaries but cried about it? All raiders have to do is play one day a week on reset. One kitten day a week, and they say it isn't easymode and only they deserve the armor. Or even worse, pve players can just buy their raid runs. That is easy mode.

If "difficulty" is too subjective, how about the number of hours required? Getting max tickets a week in WvW is literally a part time job. Not to mention the 2000 WvW rank required. Raiding against brainless npc's is still easymode.

Slight misinformation,You can get ticket capped in a weekend. I did this for about 3 months.

You don't need rank 2k for legendary Armor. This is listed even on the wiki

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@"Solori.6025" said:Slight misinformation,You can get ticket capped in a weekend. I did this for about 3 months.

You don't need rank 2k for legendary Armor. This is listed even on the wiki

At a very high* pips per tick (14) it'll still take you over 8.5 hours to max out your tickets. That 14 points per tick is if you are max rank, your world is in first place, you're commanding a squad with at least 5 people and you played enough last week to get the wood chest (If you're outnumbered your pips will be higher but I don't think that it's really likely that your world will be outnumbered and still be in first place. At least not for long). That's not impossible in a weekend if you have that much time. However, a more "average" experience is if you're a gold player, whose world is in second place and you've have played last week and then it'll take you 15 hours. Sure it's doable over a weekend but I don't think it's very likely that the average player has that kind of time frequently.

The obsidian weapons are truly hideous IMO, I can't believe they're happy with those ones.

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@Pifil.5193 said:

@"Solori.6025" said:Slight misinformation,You can get ticket capped in a weekend. I did this for about 3 months.

You don't need rank 2k for legendary Armor. This is listed even on the wiki

At a very high* pips per tick (14) it'll still take you over 8.5 hours to max out your tickets. That 14 points per tick is if you are max rank, your world is in first place, you're commanding a squad with at least 5 people and you played enough last week to get the wood chest (If you're outnumbered your pips will be higher but I don't think that it's really likely that your world will be outnumbered and still be in first place. At least not for long). That's not impossible in a weekend if you have that much time. However, a more "average" experience is if you're a gold player, whose world is in second place and you've have played last week and then it'll take you 15 hours. Sure it's doable over a weekend but I don't think it's very likely that the average player has that kind of time frequently.

The obsidian weapons are truly hideous IMO, I can't believe they're happy with those ones.

Well just like pve,A group of average players who don't practice a rotation or gear properly are not going to cap out in raids in a night either.That doesn't mean it's impossible, but highly improbable. That logic of averages works in all game modes.

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@"MarshallLaw.9260" said:Here we go again, requests for easymode leg armor. Consider this - legendary armor = endgame reward"whole game is the endgame"And no, not "easymode", but "core pve" one. Currently there's none.

@"Xolas.9781" said:The "not intended to be available outside of raids" viewpoint is garbage. All that does is further abandon their sPvP and WvW playerbase (You know, 2 of the 3 gamemodes advertised before launch).It also abandons the PvE playerbase (a majority of which doesn't Raid). After all, both pvp modes at least get a legendary armor, even if they don't get an unique legendary skin. PvE gets nothing. Only raids do.

@Solori.6025 said:A group of average players who don't practice a rotation or gear properly are not going to cap out in raids in a night either.That doesn't mean it's impossible, but highly improbable. That logic of averages works in all game modes.Average PvE players won't get anything at all. Average raiders however are most probably going to cap at least first 4 wings in no more than 4-5 hours (and often even less). Some will cap it in 2.

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This kind of discussion again? Do raids if you want the skins. I wouldn't mind having the Mistforged skins available, but I won't whine to make them free for PvE. All those 'skilled' PvPers and PvDers certainly shouldn't have any problems clearing raids in no time, since it's just scripted AI. Or may it possibly be more challenging than just mindlessly zerging through PvD?

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@Solori.6025 said:A group of average players who don't practice a rotation or gear properly are not going to cap out in raids in a night either.That doesn't mean it's impossible, but highly improbable. That logic of averages works in all game modes.Average PvE players won't get anything at all. Average
however are most probably going to cap at least first 4 wings in no more than 4-5 hours (and often even less). Some will cap it in 2.

the original quote I responded to was average playerI take that to mean a player who has limited time and plays the game as casually as possible.If a player is finding the time to raid for 5 hours , they could also spend that time in WvW.A WvW player that plays the mode exclusively isn't going to have trouble getting the ticket cap.

While an average player who has the gimme mentality wont have the easiest of times getting anything at all.

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@Solori.6025 said:

@Solori.6025 said:A group of average players who don't practice a rotation or gear properly are not going to cap out in raids in a night either.That doesn't mean it's impossible, but highly improbable. That logic of averages works in all game modes.Average PvE players won't get anything at all. Average
however are most probably going to cap at least first 4 wings in no more than 4-5 hours (and often even less). Some will cap it in 2.

the original quote I responded to was
average player
An average, casual player won't get even a single LI in a week., Average, casual players don't raid at all.In WvW the equivalent would be around 0 to +2 pips (bronze or silver at best), so around 6 pips per tick, 72 per hour. full cap in over 20 hours (pretty unlikely for people that are that low invested in the mode). People at the gold or higher rank are an equivalent (as far as investment/effort put in mode are concerned) to raiders that do full clears of at least the first 4 wings.Basically, the casual players would have it easier in WvW, but the time would be immense. But once you go past that, the raid way becomes much faster.

I take that to mean a player who has limited time and plays the game as casually as possible.If a player is finding the time to raid for 5 hours , they could also spend that time in WvW.A player raiding for 5 hours each week is going to progress in raids much faster than in wvw, because in those 5 hours they almost certainly do a full cap (or close to it).

@Solori.6025 said:A WvW player that plays the mode exclusively isn't going to have trouble getting the ticket cap.Indeed. That is however a much greater time and effort investment than those raiders need to make.
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@Ayrilana.1396 said:Those modes originally were not meant to have lemme method to obtain legendary armor. They were added as a compromise to those demanding such a method to be added.

Pretty much this, people forget they added the current ways to shut up the constant complaints that only RAIDERS could get legendary armor. Why the constant complaints? because people feel the free stat swap is a upgrade over ascended.

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@Mastermavrick.2439 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Those modes originally were not meant to have lemme method to obtain legendary armor. They were added as a compromise to those demanding such a method to be added.

Pretty much this, people forget they added the current ways to shut up the constant complaints that only RAIDERS could get legendary armor. Why the constant complaints? because people feel the free stat swap is a upgrade over ascended.

You treat it as if constantly stat-swapping isn't common in WvW. Also, how much money does it save you if you fully stat swap an armor set 5 times, 10 times, 20 times, 50 times? 6 pieces, times 5 globs per piece is 30 globs per stat swap. (Lets leave out the insignias for now,which honestly cost a lot more in most cases.) Approx 16 silver on the trading post at the moment. Times by 30. 4 gold 80 silver, on the globs alone for just one time swapping stats. Now times that by 5. about 24 gold. How about ten? 48 gold. 20? 96 gold. 50? Probably around 230 gold. And that's just the money saved on globs, the cheaper part of the stat swap for ascended armor. If I counted insignias and just averaged really low at 50 silver a piece, that would probably still easily make another 500 or so gold saved. So, for 50 swaps, on the low end, that would be about 730 gold saved. Still think a free stat swap is so flimsy?

Edit: Oh, I also forgot another big money saver. Runes. Being able to swap them in and out instead of carrying dozens of spares for each time you have to switch your armor stats.

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@sweetrules.8359 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Those modes originally were not meant to have lemme method to obtain legendary armor. They were added as a compromise to those demanding such a method to be added.

Pretty much this, people forget they added the current ways to shut up the constant complaints that only RAIDERS could get legendary armor. Why the constant complaints? because people feel the free stat swap is a upgrade over ascended.

You treat it as if constantly stat-swapping isn't common in WvW. Also, how much money does it save you if you fully stat swap an armor set 5 times, 10 times, 20 times, 50 times? 6 pieces, times 5 globs per piece is 30 globs per stat swap. (Lets leave out the insignias for now,which honestly cost a lot more in most cases.) Approx 16 silver on the trading post at the moment. Times by 30. 4 gold 80 silver, on the globs alone for just one time swapping stats. Now times that by 5. about 24 gold. How about ten? 48 gold. 20? 96 gold. 50? Probably around 230 gold. And that's just the money saved on globs, the
part of the stat swap for ascended armor. If I counted insignias and just averaged really low at 50 silver a piece, that would probably still easily make another 500 or so gold saved. So, for 50 swaps, on the low end, that would be about 730 gold saved. Still think a free stat swap is so flimsy?

Edit: Oh, I also forgot another big money saver. Runes. Being able to swap them in and out instead of carrying dozens of spares for each time you have to switch your armor stats.

Your right i didn't take into account the cost for constant stat swapping, but then i question if people really need to change as often as you make it out to be. Overblown i think and should have mentioned originally is the rage about not having unique skins to the other modes when their additions were a after thought. With WvW at least you could grind out the t3 skins for the effect (only really noticeable on chest piece).

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