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has playing gw2 taught you any important life lessons?


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Serious question.

Lesson 1: Never ever gambleSo I came across videos of ppl getting 2k gold from ecto gamble, and I thought "Hmmm maybe i can get lucky too", then I ended up losing 1k gold. I think this has taught me a valuable lesson; to never ever gamble in real life... cuz I'll never ever be that person.

Lesson 2: PatienceI'm the type to craft something or do something as soon as possible... when aurora was released, and i had to do wayfarer collection, I was like, "OMG... Not being able to craft something instant kills me a little on the inside". But this has taught me patience and that I don't have to do everything in one day and to take things one day at a time.

Lesson 3: Staying calmSo throughout these 5 years of playing guild wars 2, came across a lot of strong personalities and bossy ppl. And im not one who likes to be bossed around, especially when ppl say things like, "Why you bring this or that class to raid?" "Why are you using this or that weapon?" I used to get so triggered, I actually took a break because i would get so mad at these ppl.But nowadays I'm just like, whatever. I have learnt to be calmer and totally zen-like.

They say video games are a waste of time, but I don't think so...

What about you?

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