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Are daredevill staff spells worth pressing ?


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Hello. I've been playing the spec for a week now, but I've so far only used my talents and weapon 1 and 5. Sometimes 4 when I want to assist my team.

I'm wondering : is there a point of using 2 and 3 ? (weakening charge and debilitating arc)

Thanks for your answers !

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Well that depends... It's situational. In group instances you may want to use Weakening Charge to apply weakness. This applies well... weakness, and there for denies critical hits (less incoming damage). But it also helps weavers to do more damage. They have a trait called Superior Elements. Long story short, they have increased critical strike chance when their foe is weakened. So your staff skill contributes there to help them out.

As for Debilitating Arc... Well i guess it can be useful if the situation is right. It does cripple, so i usually combo it with Basilisk Venom and Steal in group encounters like fractals and raids to break the breakbar on foe. But outside of that not much use, unless you're immobilized.

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This is your Staff power dps rotation for Max dps. So skill 2 is used alot, unlike skill 5.Also always position ur self behind ur enemies for Max dps from "twin fangs" trait

"Deplete your endurance at the start of the fight to be able to Steal without losing theStaff Master bonus. You gain endurance when you steal due to Endurance Thief, the minor Grandmaster trait in Daredevil. Try to useSteal off cooldown so it aligns with yourWeakening Charge

Due to the changes to Weakening Charge, you no longer have to detarget the boss or move your camera. This skill will now always hit 3 times and will never move you through an enemy."

1 Dodge.

2 Fist Flurry→Palm Strike.

3 Weakening Charge.4 Staff Strike→Staff Bash→Punishing Strikes.5 Weakening Charge.

6 Staff Strike→Staff Bash.7 Dodge8 Punishing Strikes.9 Weakening Charge.10 Staff Strike→Staff Bash→Punishing Strikes.11 Weakening Charge.12 Staff Strike→Staff Bash.13 Repeat from 7.14 Fist Flurrywhen off cooldown after a dodge andPunishing Strikes, then repeat from step 2.

Video for raid boss rotation

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Is this pvp or pve? If it's pvp, I find it tough to play staff unless I play the meme bouncy boi build. I wouldn't press 2 unless it's a 2 + steal. I think there's too much counterplay if you use 2 and it isn't a surprise hit or if they aren't CC'd.

If it's pve, then just follow these like 5 simple steps (higher up in the list is higher priority). Just do the first thing that fits the requirement in the list.

  1. Dodge if no dodge buff
  2. Fist flurry + palm strike if up.
  3. 5 skill if > 3 enemies to cleave. Make sure it doesn't cap out your endurance.
  4. 2 skill Make sure it doesn't cap out your endurance.
  5. Auto. Make sure to complete the entire auto chain. Most of the dps comes from the last part of the auto chain.Try to never cap out on initiative (dps loss) or endurance (lose 10% damage bonus if full). This should put you within 95% of optimal dps. Once you get that down, adjusting your rotation for the best of dps will be easy.

The only time I use #3 is to troll teammates into thinking that you can dodge attacks by jumping.

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If you are playing against another player, then you generally only use dodge and 3, sometimes 1 and 5. The key to victory against another player while you are playing Acro/Staff is alternating Bound and Debilitating Arc. AA for filler and Vault for big deeps only if you are not being pressured back very hard.

Probably use 5 more often if you are on a point in sPvP, just to add to the AoE farted out.

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2 is the highest dps output for the class, and 3 is instant and therefore guaranteed damage (assuming you know what you're doing) with an evade on it, which min scherzo used extensively in duels for that reason.

So yes they do have uses, DPS and weakness (if needed) from 2, instant damage and evade from 3, and blind on 4.

5 is too slow and easy to avoid so you typically only want to use that after your cc (staff stealth 1 or basilisk venom)

4 really does kind of suck aside from the blind though

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When I use 2 and it hits, it triggers another voley of hits that forces my character to remain static and I usually take hits from my target (or opponent in PvP), so I usually avoid this oneIs there a way to prevent the "combo" from triggering itself ?

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