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Game Crash > Failed download > Blocked Internet Connection


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My game crashes every 10-30 minutes, with seemingly no particular cause, it's happened everywhere from the new maps, to old ones, to sitting in LA, while sorrounded by a crowd in an event or completely by myself.

After it crashes, the game attempts a download before going to the login screen, but it never finds anything to download and just stays on this screen forever. Now here's where it gets weird, when this screen pops up, my internet is practically shut off, I'm still connected, but if I try to visit any site I get a timeout error. The only way to fix this is to disconnect and reconnect my wifi, after which it will proceed to the login screen and my internet is freed up.

Images of each screen in order found here: https://imgur.com/a/lyUVh

I had no issues, had not DCd a single times since launch, until the patch on Saturday afternoon.

I have also already tried shutting off my firewall and other security software, as well as repairing the client. Both had no effect.

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@kleisthenes.6247 said:Does any other computers or phones in your house or apartment have these issues?Neither my phone nor my roommates computer are having any problems, or at least not that my roommate has voiced, though the router is in my room so he usually would.

@CyberneticRanger.9170 said:Try this. Windows > Open > CMD (command)ipconfig /flushdnsipconfig /release & ipconfig /renew

See if that helps.Just did that, will report back.

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@Conncept.7638 said:

@kleisthenes.6247 said:What firewall and security software do you use?

Windows defender and windows firewall, and malwarebytes for antivirus.

go to your windows fire wall and make sure it is set both ways to let it get the single as windows fire wall blocks guild wars 2 in windows 10 . and also looks like your Windows defender Malwarebytes is fighting each other . you really need a paid anti virus's soft ware that will not let you get hacked so easy you do not even know you been hacked

https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/forHome/products/antivirus-plus.html and do not get nortons or mccrapys they fare worse to computers :p :3

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go to your windows fire wall and make sure it is set both ways to let it get the single as windows fire wall blocks guild wars 2 in windows 10 . and also looks like your Windows defender Malwarebytes is fighting each other . you really need a paid anti virus's soft ware that will not let you get hacked so easy you do not even know you been hacked

https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/forHome/products/antivirus-plus.html and do not get nortons or mccrapys they fare worse to computers :p :3

Unfortunately none of that wound up being it, BUT, I have found that it actually isn't happening with just GW2, I thought so at first because I was just using random websites to check, with GW2 open and closed, but upon trying to stream a movie I saw that it was doing the same thing. This is either happening constantly and it's just that high-bandwidth use makes it more apparent, or it's only happening when I am using more bandwidth, like my connection is metered.

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It could be overheating under load, which will cause that. It'll likely get worse over time if so and depending on the room temperature.

It could be a software problem. Try looking for driver updates and run the following commands in an administrative command prompt to reset the network protocols:netsh winsock resetnetsh int ip reset

It could actually be the router dropping the connection, but you'd know since it would likely reboot, everyone would drop and Windows would report the disconnection.

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This is a very strange issue. How long has this been going on?
Is this an always consistent issue, like it's happening steadily all the time or is it more erratic like it doesn't happen some hours of the day?Do you have access to cable connection so you can test that?If you can't connect with a cable, do you have the ability to connect with another wifi, like with your hotspot on your phone?Also, are you running W7, W8 or W10?
What is the laptop brand and model?Have there been any Windows updates lately?Is this an always consistent issue, like it's happening steadily all the time or is it more erratic like it doesn't happen some hours of the day?

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