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condition remove is too much,condition damage needs redesign

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There's a more elegant solution than just trying to outrace condition cleanse with conditions and trash cover conditions and vice versa. Similar with boon rip vs boon application.

It's an additional cleanse/boon corruption when conditions/boons at at or above a certain treshold.

An example:

x right now always cleanses 2 conditions, is super low cooldown and is considered as unfair by condition specs that can't put out enough trash conditions to cover up their important ones from being cleansed by x on regular basis.

Now, an alternative to this design is if x now always cleanses 1 condition. However, if an ally being cleansed suffers from 5 or more conditions, it cleanses an additional one.

This means the same skill still shields the player from getting massively condibombed with a dozen of conditions at once, but now the build with low amount of trash conditions to cover up it's damage can keep up with the cleanse.

Similar situation with boon corruptions/boon removals. If y skill now always corrupts 1 boon, but if the target has 5 or more boons it corrupts an additional one, we punish builds that pack excessive boonspam rather than everyone who uses boons equally


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I believe that Guild Wars 2 PvP turned into a war of Boons vs Conditions and it is simply too much around. The entire system is a crazy mess and it is not fun at all. I believe that we don't need more cleanses but rather a simplification in the boon and condition system. It should be simple enough so that I can keep track on what boons and conditions are on me but how can I do that when there are in total 26, I repeat, TWENTY SIX icons for both boons and conditions combined. In a PvP match, the boon and condition column in the left side of the screen takes 25% of the screen length and that information is literally worthless to have there because it is not clear but rather confusing.Please no more cleanses but rather a simplification of all that mess. ArenaNet, please clean up this hunk of junk.

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Conditions as DoT vs cleanse is faulty design just because of power creep implications.You can balance it only if u ensure that no power creep is going on, which sadly is not a case.Counter play to DoT should be healing over time, not cleasing. Cleanse should only affect utility aspects of conditions, like chill, healing reduction ect.This system would require redesigning whole game tho, but this is only way to stop endless race between condi burst capability which is required to kill anybody just to make sure dmg is not nullyfied by cleanse.Currently game is almost full power, (10k hits from deadeye/soulbeast are flying around) sustain only exists as evade, block, stealth ect. time to kill to is insanely fast. In platinium started to play reaper instead of scourge just because I cannot get value of conditions before I get bursted to death, as glass reaper at least I pose a threat. Dk about lower tiers, maybe condi gets more play there due to lesser coordination

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