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"Taking All Their Secrets" Domain of Koruna meta-achievment is broken.

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Same here, I am stuck at 9/10. Submitted a ticket through the in game bug report but I am not sure if it was in the right place since I could not find achievement bugs section. Did it 4 times since i got to 9/10 on 2 different characters and nothing

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This bug does not seem to appear for everyone (I completed it with no problem in example). So I wonder, is there something I did different compared to the players with the bug. Did you actually have the "Access Card" before looting the chest, or did you loot chests via a mesmer portal? Did you do the meta (at least from the bridge part and with enough fight participation)? I had no issue myself when I actually had the Access Card myself and at least did one cannon event (there are 2 seperate cannon events and the one for achievement is not part of the meta, but is after the meta) and everything from bridge event till and incl the boss and cleaning the rooms from devices. It may be helpfull for support to know why it is broken for you as it doesn't affect everyone.

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I personally always had access card. I've been joining meta at various parts of it at the very beginning and near the end( a side not, previously the achievement tick would happen when you loot the chests) . I did it on several different characters since the bug. I wonder If @Aaralyna.3104 you got the achievement done recently? since people started reporting it as bugged? or before that. Because I was in no hurry to finish it and at some point I got to 9/10 then just randomly decided to go finish it and realize that i now cannot. Since then I have been doing meta roughly every other day and no luck.

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I've done the full pres and done the meta several times and I'm stuck at 3/7. Not sure where the first 3 are from but I believe from the first day or so. And since then, doing everything won't progress the achie. Doing only meta (cause I logged in and meta was rolling), didn't progress the achie. I even turned off all autoloot and tried to loot everything slow with pressing F manually million times - no change, no achie progress. I've done 2 in-game reports; before latest patch and after. Cause yes, latest patch fixed nothing and it's the last achie in the Story Journal I need and it's a bit annoying.

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I think I finished that event 3 weeks after the episode came out, and since I completed the achievement, I cannot check it since well, account shared achievement that doesn't repeat... But I do know that when I did the achievement it didn't always count for me either (but I was missing Access card a few time or was a bit on the "can't kill enough before things are dead"). So I don't know if someone had this issue in past already... I guess a dev would have to check on this one as we have had a couple of patches after and something may have gone broken (just like ppl now report the portal stopped functioning as well).

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stuck at 8/10, an update in july must have broken it because i did the 8 without any problems before and then i started doing only wvw / festival farming and once i did the meta today it didnt got update anymore, and i already did the meta 3 times , just to be sure

anet , any comment ?

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