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R E F L H E X.8413

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@eksn.7264 said:The games are already really short, just play it out...

Short is putting two teams of 4 or 5 in an annihilation match where you only have to kill the other team one time to win like gw1. These matches are horrendously long even for the winning team. On blowouts its like having a bunch of griefers running around the map wasting your time after you died/lost... in gw1 we had enough options to make griefer builds and them running around the map is not too far off from conquest sometimes.

one of the complaints of courtyard was due to the respawning and being horrendously long during those matches you got stomped in courtyard your blame "rotate" wouldnt have worked in a conquest equivalent matchup because you wouldnt have stayed alive anywhere on the field.

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@EnderzShadow.2506 said:Hard Pass.

There are too many people who already give up too early into the game.

Lose mid at the beginning-- oh, game is over, rage quit.

I agree. I hate matches where if mid is lost at beginning 'the quitters and whiners' chirp up to say 'gg' and basically give up and criticize team mates while they sit at base.

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I don't get all these. Yeah, blowouts are frustrating. But they typically last 7-8min. Longer matches are almost always closer matches where your team was close enough in score to have a shot the entire time. Those close matches you want to participate the entire time because a close loss + some top stats = 6 pips.

Problem with a /resign button is you will start seeing people start yelling for their team to forfeit the second their team gets wiped that first time and they are down by 30-50 points. People will start /resigning so they can avoid "wasting their time" on a loss and it would become more efficient to farm pips via short matches where you /resign ASAP if you are losing rather than sticking it out a full 10min for a close loss.

I have lost games where we led by 100 or 200 points. I have won games where we were losing by 100 or 200 points. And I have been in games where there was a 100-200 point deficit that turned into just a 50 point deficit and the losing team got bonus pips for close matches. It takes time for a score to get lopsided. Multiple minutes. So a /resign option only saves a significant amount of time if you are /resigning too early.

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Some maps have pretty crazy comeback mechanics. Legacy/Temple's being the most impactful ones. Blowouts aren't the norm, so just stop giving up after a teammate makes mistake or you lose one fight. If every game is a blowout for you, maybe you're doing something wrong honestly.

@Omcrazy.4756 said:Problem with a /resign button is you will start seeing people start yelling for their team to forfeit the second their team gets wiped that first time and they are down by 30-50 points. People will start /resigning so they can avoid "wasting their time" on a loss and it would become more efficient to farm pips via short matches where you /resign ASAP if you are losing rather than sticking it out a full 10min for a close loss.

This really is the main problem. I play a lot of Dota and that game doesn't have a resign button. You never see anyone complain about it because the community is used to it and understands that it's a trade off. If you don't get to resign, people will just statistically try to win more because you can't just bail out, reducing toxicity. And Dota games can be 3-4x longer as GW2 games easily...

I would add that one of the most frequent reasons you'll lose games is when your team is winning by a lot, gets cocky and starts tunnel visioning and not looking at the map (VERY frequent below plat rank). You never know what kind of mistakes the other team will do, so just play it out.

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Sure could have used a /resign function today as I watched all 4 my teammates run to home point at the beginning of the match, then run to mid one at a time and get beat down. If they did manage to down a opponent, they just stood there while they self rezzed or a teammate rezzed them. It was in an unranked match, and I'm not sure if it was a bot group or not because every so often one would break off and go run someplace else.

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