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How long do Charr cubs stay in the fahrar?


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I'm excited by the idea of a GuildWars 2 themed tabletop session. Since you're going to DM, I'll try to be as helpful as possible in providing you with general exposition, but a lot of the meaty details can be overheard from NPC chatter in the game. Even then, you have a lot of creative freedom, so feel free to get creative, when you're fleshing out the details.

As for the coming of age question, the general answer is, when they're ready. This means that the most excellent warband, that completes their training without issue, may be sent to the field as early as 14, while others may take longer. I suspect dedicated engineer warbands, who will develop machinery, tanks, armor, infantry equipment, or consumer goods will take longer, even up to twenty for the war wagon engineers, while a warband with agricultural education will be sent to a farm earlier.That being said, I guess charr will be coming of age in a similar way to other warrior societies. The young legionnaires will be assigned to an experienced centurion, who will send them to work on gradually increasing challenges. At first, auxillary missions with another warband to guide them. Once they're experienced enough, they can be sent to their missions and be expected to be self reliant.The definite end to a charr's fahrar life is the official transfer to a centurion.The Primus will have been asked by the centurion, if the warband can be taken out on a support mission. If they impress him, the centurion takes full command (and thus full responsibility) for them.

On rare occasions, a tribune will ask for a particular warband. These can be major plothooks for a distinguished warband.You didn't mention which Legion your players belong to, so I'll list a few Tribunes and what they might be looking for, but that is by no means a complete list. Let's start with the Iron Legion and work our way through the other Legions.

For instance, Bhuer Goreblade will occasionally ask for disciplined warbands, that will become part of the Adamant Guard, the black citadel's guard and the closest thing to the police force (military police) of the Iron Legion.

Tribune Kyranith Steelgripwill seek mechanics, cannoneers and engineers to maintain the Steeleye Span, a giant bulwark that allows safe travel across the brand. Instrumental in keeping the areas east of the brand supplied with provisions, weapons and ammo.

Tribune Kindleshot handles the diplomatic relations between the Legions and foreign powers. As far as negotiators are concerned, the Legion generally seeks veterans and older charr, but recent events might have opened a few spots as secutity detail.

For Ash Legion warbands, Torga Desertgrave would want the sneakiest and stealthiest to prevent hostile espionage networks from entering the Citadel, while Makk the Silent handles the communication between Iron and Ash.

Blood Legion warbands are coordinated by Fierhan Sparwind, who handles all the Blood Legion issues within Ascalon. A task that involves a lot of deskwork. He may also look for messengers to the Citadel of Blood.

Anyway, I wish you a good time DMing. Do tell us, if you need more information. And I look forward to hearing how your session went.

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There's not much I can add beyond Castigator's post. Like most medieval societies, the age of maturity is about when they stop growing. This could be their early teens or as late as 20. Remember also that they could have had one or two missions already, but the standard boring stuff before your first session, where something unusual or dangerous happens. Just as a small reminder, all the members of the warband should have a single word in common (like Stone, Fire or Bone) combined with another word to show their individual personality.

Out of curiosity, what system are you planning to use? I've been toying with running my own GW2 game, and been debating if I can use an existing one or if I should make if more freeform and develop my own.

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I would assume once they're fully an adult. Given that this is a fantasy game, though magical fantasy so life expectancy balances out, I'd say around 16-18 years. Some human cultures have the transition to adult hood at as young as 15 years, and a few (and thankfully rare) exceptions have it even younger at around 13 years of age. Given the gruff grittiness of the Charr Setting, I'd put it younger than older, around 15-17 years, with physical development and combat prowess being more important than actual age.

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I forgot about this post for a while, but thanks for the answers!Also, I'm still working on preperation for the session, so it may be a while until we can start the adventure. If I remember, I'll post on here to tell you guys how it goes! As for the PC's legion, they chose the Iron Legion. I'm using 5e D&D for the system. We found a homebrew engineer, so we have one player using that class, and another as a warrior. I only have two players, so I filled in the warband with more NPC's: Battlemaster fighter as the Ember warband's legionnaire, an elementalist, a ranger, and a second engineer (because Iron Legion).

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