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how does it feel the 16% less damage in WI?


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@InsaneQR.7412 said:Still a good skill and worth the equip.Not as potent as befire vut not outright garbage.With the wombocombo it still one shots, but now you need to pull it of for sure i assume, but i havent tried it out yet.

I'm actually running a cav wurm runes bm mm sb build I threw to together, (PvP) I called it another maul becuase I'll see around the same numbers. 10-16k hits when crits. Also I noticed it base tool tip damage is about 20 more than maul

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@Eleazar.9478 said:

@InsaneQR.7412 said:Still a good skill and worth the equip.Not as potent as befire vut not outright garbage.With the wombocombo it still one shots, but now you need to pull it of for sure i assume, but i havent tried it out yet.

I'm actually running a cav wurm runes bm mm sb build I threw to together, (PvP) I called it another maul becuase I'll see around the same numbers. 10-16k hits when crits.

Yeah sure. It only one shots with full glass but it didnt behave much different before. Now you HAVE to run full zerker to one shot or pretty much close to it i assume.

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@InsaneQR.7412 said:

@InsaneQR.7412 said:Still a good skill and worth the equip.Not as potent as befire vut not outright garbage.With the wombocombo it still one shots, but now you need to pull it of for sure i assume, but i havent tried it out yet.

I'm actually running a cav wurm runes bm mm sb build I threw to together, (PvP) I called it another maul becuase I'll see around the same numbers. 10-16k hits when crits.

Yeah sure. It only one shots with full glass but it didnt behave much different before. Now you HAVE to run full zerker to one shot or pretty much close to it i assume.

Ya this hurts standard boon brawler builds more, as with those I'll only see 5kish hits

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@Eleazar.9478 said:

@InsaneQR.7412 said:Still a good skill and worth the equip.Not as potent as befire vut not outright garbage.With the wombocombo it still one shots, but now you need to pull it of for sure i assume, but i havent tried it out yet.

I'm actually running a cav wurm runes bm mm sb build I threw to together, (PvP) I called it another maul becuase I'll see around the same numbers. 10-16k hits when crits.

Yeah sure. It only one shots with full glass but it didnt behave much different before. Now you HAVE to run full zerker to one shot or pretty much close to it i assume.

Ya this hurts standard boon brawler builds more, as with those I'll only see 5kish hits

Sad truth. But now its definetly high risk high reward for all glassis out there and cheesing is nore difficult. Its not great that it got nerfed and thus prevented build diversity but its still not purely useless and decent.Its probably the first time i can say that a skill is now balanced after a patch. Its hard hitting but only if you really invest in.It does circumsizes other builds though which is unfortunate.

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