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Disable Novelties?

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When novelties were just introduced I added some items to empty slots to check how it works. It was fun. But now sometimes when I want to mount, I accidentaly click on that tiny button and mount my riding broom instead of griffon. Probably many players use key X to mount, but I prefer mouse.It would be nice if there was an option to disable novelties or at least move those items from slots - to make them empty. Maybe this option already exists, but I can't find it.

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@Endless Soul.5178 said:How do you accidentally click on it? The interface is so tiny. (Not that I'm against more options.)

Exactly because it's so tiny and stuck directly under the mount button which is also smaller than a skill slot. It happens to me regularly that I click the novelty thing instead of the mount. Playing in 4k might have to do with that because the GUI is also smaller by comparison then when I ran 1080p. But it is easy to misclick when you try to mount, because you generally move your mouse down to click it and just look at it from the corner of your eye while focusing on where you're going. That's where it happens for me at least.

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