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Aside from other thieves, a good rev with Phase + Deathstrike can teleport over 1800 range to the DE, follow up with sword 2 or 4, switch to Glint for some AOE damage and if lucky reveal the DE after the DE dodges. Even if the DE gets away, at least it can't put pressure on your team that freely anymore. Rev has enough damage to one shot DE (also thanks to Quickness from Phase).

But that's assuming the rev is decent enough and the DE is bad enough - if they're both on the same skill level then I would say the DE will have enough time to react and disengage while the rev wastes time looking for the DE.

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I fell a good gaurd with his teleports can consistantly kill a de...the de gets revealed just befor he shoots so if your fast enough and good enough you should be able to teleport bomb him consistantly.

How ever any class that lacks mobility, invulns, amd blocks will just be at an enormous disadvantage. Having 1200 ramge 90% up time on invisability, and avle to do 15k burst way to often make this class to strong in the right hands.

A good warrior should be able to stall a de with use of the terrain in a 1v1.

Should be an easy matup for mesmer. And there in every game.

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@idolin.2831 said:Aside from other thieves, a good rev with Phase + Deathstrike can teleport over 1800 range to the DE, follow up with sword 2 or 4, switch to Glint for some AOE damage and if lucky reveal the DE after the DE dodges. Even if the DE gets away, at least it can't put pressure on your team that freely anymore. Rev has enough damage to one shot DE (also thanks to Quickness from Phase).

But that's assuming the rev is decent enough and the DE is bad enough - if they're both on the same skill level then I would say the DE will have enough time to react and disengage while the rev wastes time looking for the DE.Where do we have reveal? As a Rev I don't see it anywhere on our skills/traits or otherwise.Edit: And sadly the above doesn't work against a Deadeye, it sounds nice in theory, but simply never holds in practice. They always get away

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@"Reverielle.3972" said:

Where do we have reveal? As a Rev I don't see it anywhere on our skills/traits or otherwise.

Gaze of Darkness gives reveal for 5 seconds, but till DE have 2 stacks of Shadow Meld - it is useless.I am good revenant and have 10% success rate against good (!!! this is important) DE, just because he have more mobility.Even if I jump with Phase Travelsal and pressure him -> next scenario

  1. He dodge and become stealth
  2. I reveal him with Gaze of Darkness
  3. He using Shadow Meld and stealh again
  4. For reveal I am swicthing to Glint and dont have Phase Travelsal for 9 seconds
  5. DE just jump like a monkey around me and I cant catch him

Once again - it is about good DE, not nooby who cant react and eat all burst.I can kill DE only if survive for 9 more seconds with block, staff evade and Infuse Light healing, then switch again to shiro and jump on him and hoping for burst one shot.If I dont switch to Glint after Phase Travelsal I have energy only for 1 spell and about 10 second till next Phase Travelsal jump because of energy cost.

So yeah. Revenant is good counter only in situations when you have bad opponent who cant react.

This become a problem.Ofc DE have issue like - low input if your team get pressured, good teamplay with focusing, good support and so on (it is reason WHY DE is bad in tournament or high lvl ranked)BUT in my personal opinion Arena net should balance PvP between average ranked arena players (silver-gold-plat1).

For example we have Reaper. He is strong teamfighter, good 1v1 with most builds, but have also weaknesses like - low mobility, kiting, range counters and you can play around this

When 4 players jump on DE and he just like "lul.funny" go in invis and then just run away when 4 people dancing and hitting air around is frustrating.


DAMAGE/SUSTAIN/MOBILITY balansingIf build have high damage it means he should have low sustain or low mobility (Reaper, SB longbow damage build)If build have good sustain - it should have lower damage (SB boon duelist, Fresh air elementalist)If build have high mobility, it should have lower damage and lower sustain (healthy thief with dagger/sword)

AND SO ON. IT MEANS balanceWhen someone have almost oneshot damage burst,crazy mobility and 90% invincible = it is not balanced.

I always complain about mirage mesmer, who have high damage/high sustain and also high mobility, but you even can counter this one with dodging burst/condi cleanse.

Also I love possibility to finish opponent from stealh or revive from stealh. Just love it

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@Dharma.9123 said:

@"Reverielle.3972" said:

Where do we have reveal? As a Rev I don't see it anywhere on our skills/traits or otherwise.

Gaze of Darkness gives reveal for 5 seconds, but till DE have 2 stacks of Shadow Meld - it is useless.I am good revenant and have 10% success rate against good (!!! this is important) DE, just because he have more mobility.Even if I jump with Phase Travelsal and pressure him -> next scenario
  1. He dodge and become stealth
  2. I reveal him with Gaze of Darkness
  3. He using Shadow Meld and stealh again
  4. For reveal I am swicthing to Glint and dont have Phase Travelsal for 9 seconds
  5. DE just jump like a monkey around me and I cant catch him

Once again - it is about good DE, not nooby who cant react and eat all burst.I can kill DE only if survive for 9 more seconds with block, staff evade and Infuse Light healing, then switch again to shiro and jump on him and hoping for burst one shot.If I dont switch to Glint after Phase Travelsal I have energy only for 1 spell and about 10 second till next Phase Travelsal jump because of energy cost.

So yeah. Revenant is good counter only in situations when you have bad opponent who cant react.

This become a problem.Ofc DE have issue like - low input if your team get pressured, good teamplay with focusing, good support and so on (it is reason WHY DE is bad in tournament or high lvl ranked)BUT in my personal opinion Arena net should balance PvP between average ranked arena players (silver-gold-plat1).

For example we have Reaper. He is strong teamfighter, good 1v1 with most builds, but have also weaknesses like - low mobility, kiting, range counters and you can play around this

When 4 players jump on DE and he just like "lul.funny" go in invis and then just run away when 4 people dancing and hitting air around is frustrating.


DAMAGE/SUSTAIN/MOBILITY balansingIf build have high damage it means he should have low sustain or low mobility (Reaper, SB longbow damage build)If build have good sustain - it should have lower damage (SB boon duelist, Fresh air elementalist)If build have high mobility, it should have lower damage and lower sustain (healthy thief with dagger/sword)

AND SO ON. IT MEANS balanceWhen someone have almost oneshot damage burst,crazy mobility and 90% invincible = it is not balanced.

I always complain about mirage mesmer, who have high damage/high sustain and also high mobility, but you even can counter this one with dodging burst/condi cleanse.

Also I love possibility to finish opponent from stealh or revive from stealh. Just love it

Thank you, that's very helpful. I'll need to keep practicing.

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@Reverielle.3972 said:

Thank you, that's very helpful. I'll need to keep practicing.

Sometimes is succesfull combo

  1. Phase travelsal -> staff 5 knockback -> weapon switch -> glint switch
  2. Gaze of Darkness double tap +sword 5.
  3. After sword 5 DE always will stealth and then you can try to aoe him with sword 4 or glint ulti

Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

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@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:Engis are a stealth classes bane. 1 trait locks them out of stealth. "Lock On" is the trait name.

It also have CD if I am not wrong. About 20 sec

Nope :)

it has a 25 cd, the wiki is wrong. Look on build editor or in game on a pvp engi toon and see for yourself. So basically its useless since the thief can just remove the revealed and you gotta wait 25 sec before it can be used again.

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@Dharma.9123 said:

Thank you, that's very helpful. I'll need to keep practicing.

Sometimes is succesfull combo
  1. Phase travelsal -> staff 5 knockback -> weapon switch -> glint switch
  2. Gaze of Darkness double tap +sword 5.
  3. After sword 5 DE always will stealth and then you can try to aoe him with sword 4 or glint ulti

Sometimes it works, sometimes not.So I've been trying our Reveal, but it does nothing? A Deadeye when stealthed is not revealed, and if I place it on a deadeye immediately before they dodge, they still are able to stealth as per normal. This has happened a number of times. So what is the problem, do you know?

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@Reverielle.3972 said:

So I've been trying our Reveal, but it does nothing? A Deadeye when stealthed is not revealed, and if I place it on a deadeye immediately before they dodge, they still are able to stealth as per normal. This has happened a number of times. So what is the problem, do you know?

Gaze of Darkness is skill, so thief can dodge it. Try to land it after dodge.And thief apply stealth after he end dodge roll.

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@Dharma.9123 said:

So I've been trying our Reveal, but it does nothing? A Deadeye when stealthed is not revealed, and if I place it on a deadeye immediately before they dodge, they still are able to stealth as per normal. This has happened a number of times. So what is the problem, do you know?

Gaze of Darkness is skill, so thief can dodge it. Try to land it after dodge.And thief apply stealth after he end dodge roll.Yes, you place it on them, they dodge, then stealth. If it continues I'll submit a bug report.

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@phs.6089 said:Condi or mix mirage, undead runes( ... axe/pistol), with blink and invisibility, the only trick you need to learn is to to stack your condies. Then you see DE revels in downed state

Not so much. If specced in SA, and cleanses while stealthed, all the need to do is to stand still while in stealth and keep applying stealth and let the stealth clear heir condis. While they are stealthed, you wouldnt know if they are standing still or moved on. I derp as DE purely for trolling purposes (in WvW mind you) and ive had mirages try this only to fail. If I....a scrub DE knows this doesnt work, then I can safely say someone experienced would know this as well. Haven't tried in PvP as ghost snipers are useless for capping points.

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