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Firebrand: Renewed Justice needs a rework


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So as a PvE Firebrand player I've been noticing this trait interactions in Raids and in Fractals. In fractals, it's broken as almost every add mob in the fight triggers this trait and completely renews all your pages in Tome Of Justice. However, in raids, there are only 3 current encounters (in SIX wings or 15 bosses) that will give you this type of use out of this trait. Those Raids are Sabetha, Slothasor, and Trio currently. Sabetha can be finicky as only certain mobs in the fights will even do so, Sloth will cleanse all your conditions between break bars, and Trio Is just a meme of a fight anyway. I don't believe either scenario (broken in fractals, nearly useless in raids) is acceptable for overall guardian balance. I was perplexed that you felt that dragon hunter who was already okay in the DPS meta lineup should have gotten the Defender's Dogma change, this could have easily replaced Renewed Justice as a trait and we would have seen the DPS firebrand have a more consistent spot in raids. I don't believe the current implementation of Defender's Dogma would have been Ideal, maybe add an ICD and tweak the overall CD reduction.

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@Hornet.6357 said:I was perplexed that you felt that dragon hunter who was already okay in the DPS meta lineup should have gotten the Defender's Dogma change, this could have easily replaced Renewed Justice as a trait and we would have seen the DPS firebrand have a more consistent spot in raids.

Because it was a change to help DH in PvP, not PvE.

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