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Why Tripple Cap is a good idea...

Vieux P.1238

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It's not! Click bait.Plz explain to all the folks here who think's - hey i go far for a triple cap & leave mid thin with numbers is an awesome idea. Will tripple cap it.. NOT!Unless your playing vs a very weak team...there's no good strategy behind a 3 cap. Mathematically it makes no sens.WHy keep doing it? Especially thieves that thinks they can solo anyone & win it on there own.Yawnnnn!

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@Vieux P.1238 said:It's not! Click bait.Plz explain to all the folks here who think's - hey i go far for a triple cap & leave mid thin with numbers is an awesome idea. Will tripple cap it.. NOT!Unless your playing vs a very weak team...there's no good strategy behind a 3 cap. Mathematically it makes no sens.WHy keep doing it? Especially thieves that thinks they can solo anyone & win it on there own.Yawnnnn!

It's not so much the triple cap. Its keeping a node contested. If you see your teammate going far at the start. Don't necessarily discourage it. But change the way you play the mid fight. It will only be outnumbered for 20s or so while your home person caps.Don't go all in on the midfight. The most annoying thing for me to see while I'm capping home is to see even in a 1-4 split my entire team dying because they all rushed the point mid together instead of starting more defensively. Or seeing that one core guard that teleports right into the middle of the enemy group and expects to survive.

1-3-1 isn't a bad idea per se. Having a team that plays a 1-3-1 like a 1-4-0 split is what makes it a bad match.

TL:DR if you are on the mid group when you have someone go far. Play more defensively. It won't be outnumbered forever. If you are the home capper, try to get mid faster than normal.

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@jportell.2197 said:

It's not!
Click bait.Plz explain to all the folks here who think's - hey i go far for a triple cap & leave mid thin with numbers is an awesome idea. Will tripple cap it.. NOT!Unless your playing vs a very weak team...there's no good strategy behind a 3 cap. Mathematically it makes no sens.WHy keep doing it? Especially thieves that thinks they can solo anyone & win it on there own.Yawnnnn!

It's not so much the triple cap. Its keeping a node contested. If you see your teammate going far at the start. Don't necessarily discourage it. But change the way you play the mid fight. It will only be outnumbered for 20s or so while your home person caps.Don't go all in on the midfight. The most annoying thing for me to see while I'm capping home is to see even in a 1-4 split my entire team dying because they all rushed the point mid together instead of starting more defensively. Or seeing that one core guard that teleports right into the middle of the enemy group and expects to survive.

1-3-1 isn't a bad idea per se. Having a team that plays a 1-3-1 like a 1-4-0 split is what makes it a bad match.

TL:DR if you are on the mid group when you have someone go far. Play more defensively. It won't be outnumbered forever. If you are the home capper, try to get mid faster than normal.

Nothing new. But often then less mid 3 vs 4 get's destroyed by the time the one capping home finish capping. Goes towards mid & get's destroyed himself. what do you think happen's after? I'll tell you, it'all downhill from there. 1-3-1 don't work unless your dealing with a very low tier team that has no idea what hey doing. Witch happen's time to time.

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@Vieux P.1238 said:

It's not!
Click bait.Plz explain to all the folks here who think's - hey i go far for a triple cap & leave mid thin with numbers is an awesome idea. Will tripple cap it.. NOT!Unless your playing vs a very weak team...there's no good strategy behind a 3 cap. Mathematically it makes no sens.WHy keep doing it? Especially thieves that thinks they can solo anyone & win it on there own.Yawnnnn!

It's not so much the triple cap. Its keeping a node contested. If you see your teammate going far at the start. Don't necessarily discourage it. But change the way you play the mid fight. It will only be outnumbered for 20s or so while your home person caps.Don't go all in on the midfight. The most annoying thing for me to see while I'm capping home is to see even in a 1-4 split my entire team dying because they all rushed the point mid together instead of starting more defensively. Or seeing that one core guard that teleports right into the middle of the enemy group and expects to survive.

1-3-1 isn't a bad idea per se. Having a team that plays a 1-3-1 like a 1-4-0 split is what makes it a bad match.

TL:DR if you are on the mid group when you have someone go far. Play more defensively. It won't be outnumbered forever. If you are the home capper, try to get mid faster than normal.

Nothing new. But often then less mid 3 vs 4 get's destroyed by the time the one capping home finish capping. Goes towards mid & get's destroyed himself. what do you think happen's after? I'll tell you, it'all downhill from there. 1-3-1 don't work unless your dealing with a very low tier team that has no idea what hey doing. Witch happen's time to time.

I guess plat 2 is a low tier then team... As has been said, depends on how well your team can execute it. Kite and defend while lowering their cool downs. If you aren't on point then either they will chase you 4v3 and not cap, in which case you can still kite or you may be forced to disengage and send backup far and home to split enemy forces, or they will chase you 3v3 while one just sits afk on node, then your backup gets there and jumps on the group that is low on cooldowns an you can get a quick kill then you can snowball the fight.

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1-3-1 split will indeed have an exponentially higher chance of getting your bot-autopilot teammates killed. It's still the autopilot player's fault, but if you want to win SoloQ, often you need to understand the A.I patterns of your teammates.

Even if you hold 2 at far during the start, you still have over 50% chance to lose mid, because if you're mechanically capable of holding 2, the chances are your teammates are less skilled due to matchmaking balance, and will lose 3v3.

A real student of SoloQ will shepherd and protect his bots at mid during the opener for max winrate, IMO.

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@"Chaith.8256" said:1-3-1 split will indeed have an exponentially higher chance of getting your bot-autopilot teammates killed. It's still the autopilot player's fault, but if you want to win SoloQ, often you need to understand the A.I patterns of your teammates.

Even if you hold 2 at far during the start, you still have over 50% chance to lose mid, because if you're mechanically capable of holding 2, the chances are your teammates are less skilled due to matchmaking balance, and will lose 3v3.

A real student of SoloQ will shepherd and protect his bots at mid during the opener for max winrate, IMO.

I def agree with this. Unless your enemy team is complete rubbish i very rarely see 1-3-1 workout well.

I do like the "shepherd and protect his bots" line. lol

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What makes people more fun to play against than AIs is that no one given tactic will always result in the same outcome. Its all situational. Key is to play to the other sides weakness. At least in our current ranked matching making where you might be grouped with people you have never encountered/played with before be ready to adjust your tactics to do whatever best might aid your side. People will make bad calls, you will make bad calls, the match making might give you adverse groups so the only tactic you can plan for is be flexible and adjust as needed.

Not saying I back the 1-3-1, if anything I agree if it means the 4v3 is doomed then you just killed more than 50% of your side. But have seen it fail horribly and work amazingly. What I can't support is when people try something and then repeat the same action to the same result and repeat. That and there is never a right answer when it comes to PvP. Saw a team get themselves spawn camped last night since they refused to exit another door and weren't winning team fights. Likewise saw a team that had a solid lead lose since a player thought that an 3v3 meant that the other 2 should hold the other 3 while they decapped a different point and then the 2 remaining died. If you don't adjust you will lose. Anyway you said yourself clickbait, but even if I don't agree with opening with 1-3-1, have seen people use it and it work so couldn't say truthfully its a never use tactic.

2 cents. Good hunting!

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The 1-3-1 is fairly reliable (given the right team comps on both sides) in plat 1, but I totally agree it's highly situational. As a purely solo queuer, I rarely clamor for the 1-3-1; instead, if my AI teammates still manage to lose mid 4v4, as a ranger I can better peel for far or home depending on the situation. Also at low plat most teams that win mid do the silly "let's all leave mid and push far because we killed 2 enemies and capped", and I find that far easier to disrupt and unbalance than a bad 1-3-1 split.

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1-3-1 is reliable if the 3 on mid are smart enough to not all get rolled in half a second. Fact is, being the one going far isn't working so good in terms of carrying in the actual meta. I've often had my teammates get rolled on mid to scourges or holos, even in 4v3 situations.

Alternatively, i'd like experiencing the 1-0-4 split in solo queue, but most of the time i'm being called a troll. I'm pretty sure it would actually be a good opener regarding some setups.

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