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[Suggestion] New Hairdos/Faces for Remaining Playable Races?


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I'd like to second that with a minor redaction: where charr are concerned, don't add "hairdos", add "manes". The original set is great in this regard, but I struggle to pick a decent looking thing from the exclusives, at least when making a non-anime-haired seriously-meant charr.Sylvari have a very nice exclusive set.Charr exclusives are either restyled human hairstyles (which don't fit the beastly nature at all), or horrible abominations that clip into horns and ears with abandon.(Also, some new horns would be great, but that's probably way too much to ask :> )

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Yeah, this is much needed. Don't get me wrong, the Elonian hair and faces were way overdue, and they are fantastic, but at the same time it does leave everyone else in the dust ... and it's not as if human don't get most design love as it is.

And I also very much agree with the wish for charr hair that looks less human-fancy. And as always my request to remove the gender-lock from more/all hairstyles.

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