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Lfg pvp (na)


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Hello I am a pvp only player who has just moved to na sever due to work times for play. I am pvp elitest who has not left most in years. I can play all metas to a high level and understand pvp for solo que duo and team. I understand roles and how to adapt to win. I main war necro and thf they are my highest class level but can play others. My necro last name is Goldilock thf uzumi and war xx gamble xx. I hate Zerg guilds or guilds with to many members and 90% don’t rep so would like a small in number pvp only guild with 100% rep why in pvp also tag must mean something more and happy for trials questions and a test of skills to get in. Also happy if the guild is new and it’s just like minded poeple wanting to make it into more.

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