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Thought about new Sigil of Celerity - Dual hammers perma quickness boon-wiping machine.


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Next week : Sigil of CelerityCelerity will change from granting you quickness at a potentially awkward and unpredictable time to granting quickness when you decide to disable a foe, creating a chance to capitalize on the enhancement.

Old: Gain 1 charge after killing a foe, and gain 5 charges after killing an enemy player. At 25 charges, gain quickness for 5 seconds. (All stacks are lost when in a downed state.)New: Gain quickness for 5 seconds after disabling a foe. (Cooldown: 20 Seconds)

With Traited Brutality (with Commander gears), Dual-hammer herald can easily maintain perma-quickness, therefore herald can constantly remove stability every second (due to the interval limit).Weapon swap - 6 sec quickness, hammer 5 --- a good aiming has a big chance to grant you another 10 sec, stack to 16 seconds, then after 10 seconds swap, add another 6 sec, repeat..... you always will have quickness and every atk of hammer remove stability every second.

Isn't it OP??

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With full commander you may lose 30% damage (compared to marauder) on paper, but with perma quickness boost, you will compensate (maybe even more ) the overall sustain damage PLUS remove stability every second (even with spamming hammer 1). Imagine 5-10 heralds running this among the zerg, probably still can not control the FB/Chrono combos at frontline (they won't do much damage anyway), however, other mid/backline DD class will be completely locked down. A new heralds meta begins?

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@Justine.6351 said:Hammer damage isn't about DPS, it's about spike damage. Will the new sigil and brutality combine well? Sure but you don't even need to invest gear into boon duration as it's 5 seconds anyhow. Again, think spike damage.

W/O boon duration gears you can't maintain perma quickness since there is 20 second cool down for celerity. But true you can get 1/2 up time of quickness w/o sacrificing damage (w/o boon duration gears).As I calculate above , you may lose 30% spike damage (overall DPS pretty much remain same) for constantly remove stability every second (pretty much every hit).For 1v1 hard to say, but imagine bunch of heralds all run this. No more stability = CC to death.

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@CRrabbit.1284 said:As I calculate above , you may lose 30% spike damage (overall DPS pretty much remain same) for constantly remove stability every second (pretty much every hit).For 1v1 hard to say, but imagine bunch of heralds all run this. No more stability = CC to death.

Think about this for a minute. Your goal is to kill the enemy players, so you're contemplating taking (say) 3 Revenants and reducing their spike damage by 30% in hopes they will be CC'd, and then burned down, instead of just keeping 3 Revenants doing 30% more damage to people immune to CC because of stab?

As I'm fond of saying, DPS is the best form of CC, as nothing stops your opponent better than being dead.

Also, in order for your plan to work, you have to actually HIT the target with your hammer. I'll never forget the time I recklessly ran at a zerg and hit Chaotic Release only to see 'Block', 'Block', 'Block', 'Block' and 'Block' on my screen..

So now you'll work in Malicious Reprisal to guarantee a window of 5 seconds out every 25, provided you time your weapon swaps correctly, and give up the extra damage from either Notoriety or Assassins Presence?

It's simpler to just hit them with your hammer for 14-16k o_0

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